episode I

4 1 0

*3rd person*
10 of may

a girl named katie, she lived in a peaceful,great city she loved biking so much, she would bike in a park every day, has brown hair,brown eyes
one day she woke up,brushed her teeth,hair
and showered she asked her mom
"mom can i go biking today?
her mom answered
"of course, i will come with you!"
katies mind
"yay im going biking today,again,i hope nothing bad happends, i hope i will get to meet some new friends!but what if ill not.. its fine,maybe ill have a new chance tomorrow!"

katie and her mom go to the park, with katies bike

"i really hope ill meet some friends one day, im really bored being alone and stuff"

katie stops her bike, because someone was running she was curious but she continued
to ride her bike

katie was going downhill, there was an another man riding a bike behind her, when katie and the man were riding downhill, some people were about to cross the road, katie went before the people crossed the road, then katie heard a crash sound behind her, she was so confused, but she didn't bother to look behind her..

it was the time to go back to her house i mean it was 12 pm lol

her mom said
"katie! its time to go home!"

katie and her mom got to home
katie was on her phone on her bed it was 1 am and she got to sleep

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