wilbur's infatuation

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Wilbur didn't like Dream. He was obnoxious and he didn't even know what that word meant. He was like a baby, always acting like a child despite being only a year younger than Will himself. Dream tended to act more like Tommy than him. He doesn't understand how Techno hangs out with him.

His hair was always a mess and he was always covered in bruises and scrapes from playing. Not to mention the dirt that seemed to be forever stuck on his face. Like no matter how hard he scrubbed it wouldn't go away. Wilbur knew, logically, this wasn't true, but with how often Dream was smudged with dirt it seemed to be true.

He always wanted to be in charge, constantly dictating the games they play. Wilbur didn't like that, it was annoying. He hated the way Dream acted. Always loud and bold. He had what Wilbur considered to be a big ego. His father always told him to 'be civil' but Wilbur believed that not punching Dream in the gut every time he saw him was pretty civil.

Dream was one of Techno's only friends so Wilbur couldn't really be rude to him. His brother had trouble talking to people and he fit with Dream perfectly, being interested in the same subjects and having the same general struggles. The only difference was that Techno was always pretty quiet but Dream could get really loud with people he was comfortable with. They also both hated authority. Always breaking rules just to make a point. Wilbur thought that was stupid. Rules were there to keep them safe. If they got hurt it was their fault, and he didn't care all that much.

Techno always tried convincing him to befriend Dream, claiming the boy made good company.

Wilbur disagreed. And he would stand by his point.

Wilbur usually ignored Dream, not giving him a second thought. He didn't deserve it. As the trio entered middle school, Dream going into sixth grade with Techno and Wilbur in seventh, his subtle hatred for the shorter boy had settled into a calm neutrality. He was annoying, sure, but anything was better than how he was when he was younger.

He didn't try bossing Wilbur around anymore, though, he had no reason to. He was still annoying as hell. He talked a lot, really loudly too. Dream was often teasing Wilbur, whether it be for his hair or his glasses. Even worse is he would sometimes get Tommy in on it, not to mention when Techno would join. He was never bullied, but this must be what it's like. It always felt like a direct attack on him.

Which it was.

Dream and Techno grew their hair out together, by now it reached their shoulders. Wilbur thought it looked stupid. He saw them together so often. He'd walk into the living room and see them braiding each other's hair. In the kitchen, they helped dad make dinner or sometimes make their own sweets with the recipe they got from Niki, Dream's unofficial step-mom. He'd seen Techno counting and recounting Dream's freckles, tracing constellations on his arms and pointing out freckles that merged together. It seemed too romantic for them to just be friends.

Techno and Dream were always close and they only grew closer as they got older. Wilbur often wondered if Dream was this physical with his other friends. I mean they were always touching in some form, holding hands, standing close enough for their sides to merge, even cuddling on the couch. Wilbur didn't understand why.

Techno smiled the most when he was with Dream, he seemed to bring out the best in his brother. Dream had that effect. He had the ability to grab everybody's attention but if he wanted to be ignored you wouldn't even know he was there. His presence was usually a bright one. Powerful and unforgettable. The kind of confidence you'd see the eighth graders walk with, he seemed so unworried by anything. He easily fits in with people without even trying.

Even if he didn't want to he could effortlessly make friends, though he seemed content with the close-knit group he currently had. He introduced Techno to his other friends, he seemed to fit in with Skeppy, and by extension, Bad, the most. Dream was also friends with an eighth-grader, George. Wilbur wasn't sure how that happened but it did. Why would an older kid like him want to be friends with someone as destructive and immature as Dream?

he looks just like a dream, the prettiest boy i've ever seen- dreamburWhere stories live. Discover now