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Over the nation of Wakanda, Storm, Wolverine and Thing arrived by helicopter. Not long after landing the three were greeted by the king himself, King T'Challa.

"Welcome my friends." greeted T'Challa.

"I'm happy to be here again." smiled Storm.

"I am happy you are here." said T'Challa.

"Listen, I think it's time we cut the chitchat." Wolverine interrupted "We need to borrow some of your best adamantium equipment."

"Right. James informed me before you got here." said T'Challa "Come, I'll take you to the armory."

     Deep within the T'Challa's temple, hidden underground sat some of the best high tech adamantium gear. Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister had been helping to keep the adamantium safe and out of enemy hands.

     "Shuri." called out Storm, surprising Shuri and giving her a hug "It's been so long."

     "I know." said Shuri "Too long. What brought you back?"

     "Shuri, our friends here need to borrow some of our equipment." said T'Challa, cutting straight to the chase.

Shuri nodded and quickly turned around towards the computer. Walls full of adamantium weapons and gear were lined upon the walls.

"Everything here was made specifically by my people." said T'Challa, approaching the right wall "Here you have a custom made adamantium Spider-Man suit with adamantium web holders. Next you have a full set of Iron Man armor, completely made of adamantium. After that we have a set of silver, adamantium wind garbs, a suit of armor that is able to withstand the strongest of storms. On the left wall have sonic blast gloves, able to bust through thickest layers of steel possible. And lastly we have an adamantium katana, able to slice metal no matter how strong they may be. Like your claws Wolverine."

"Sweet." said Wolverine, picking up the katana.

"So how much for all of it?" asked Thing.

"Nothing." answered T'Challa.

"Wait a minute." started Wolverine "You've never given this stuff away for free before. What's the catch?"

"I've seen the damage caused by the Doomsday machine. These are desperate. And we all must stand together." said T'Challa.

"Afraid the next Doomsday is gonna be even worse than that one unfortunately." said Thing, putting on the sonic blast gloves with Shuri's help.

"Yes. Any man that would want to bring about those times must be mad." said T'Challa, just before hearing a loud explosion up top "Outside, quickly!"

Outside of the temple, A.I.M. agents land, shooting down Wakandans as they fight to stay alive.

"Bastards!" shouted Wolverine "They must have followed us!"

"What the hell is that?" said Thing, looking up at a helicopter going by their heads carrying a huge canister of some kind.

The helicopter lowered the canister down. As it did so a nearby A.I.M. agent pressed a button on the side and out of the canister came a humongous, misshapen monster, with grey skin, purple pores on it's back and four limbs.

"Must be some kind of abomination Sinister cooked up." growled Wolverine.

"I think it's time you put that equipment to good use." said T'Challa, becoming the Black Panther, jumping down from the temple and fighting off the oncoming agents.

Storm, Wolverine and Thing followed suit, running down the temple steps, mowing down agents until they got to the beast. The beast let out bloodcurdling roar, and started swiping at the heroes with it's four limbs. Wolverine and Storm jumped out of the way, but Thing grabbed it's arm and gave it a stiff punch with one of his gloves, tearing off the arm completely. The creature roared again, as it's missing arm grew back. Overhead Wolverine notices someone shooting the beast with some kind of purple drug. Taking his katana, Wolverine rushed in the sniper's direction, leaped into the air and cut the gun in half. Storm, with all the power she could muster, called down lightning from the sky, hitting the beast's pores, causing it to screech loudly. Thing saw this as an opportunity to grab another arm and punch it. Before they knew it the beast had been slain. A.I.M. agents ran away in fear of the Wakandans. And our heroes prepared their helicopter to leave, packing the rest of the equipment with them, but not before Storm could say goodbye.

"I wish I could stay longer." said Storm, tearing up.

"You have a duty. And you must be strong." said T'Challa, sharing a kiss with his former lover "I'll always be there to help you when you need it."

And so our heroes left Wakanda behind to go back to the Netherlands. But atop the temple a man in a long coat, watching them as they leave.

"They've gone. Now is the time to strike."

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