Why cant he understand!

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TW: panic attacks

Hawkins, Indiana 1986

Will has tried to tell mike how he felt but it just didn't work, over the holidays will had been making a painting that he was going to show mike to tell him how he feels. but mike had been so worried about el, and if she was ok (she was sent away to get her powers back) that instead of will saying how he felt he made it about el saying things such as "you make el feel needed" trying to make it obvious that it wasn't about her but... it didn't work mike really thought will was taking about el. Will was crying at the end he really couldn't help it but mike didn't notice even though they were in a car sitting next to each other 

Jonathan heard the conversation and knew what will was trying to say, Jonathan always tried to be supportive of will no matter the circumstances so this was no different, will knew that if he would be supported by anyone, at least he had his brother if the rest of the world hated him


Will's pov;

I'd just been overthinking today it made me have a panic attack, after I calmed down I grabbed out my pencils and paper and decided to draw to help me sort my thoughts out , without really thinking I looked down at my page and I realised that id drawn mike, he was easy to draw I could never forget each constellation of freckles litter his face and that smile he does when he's looking into space thinking about something happy. it was a good drawing so I grabbed a pin and stuck it to my cork board, it had other drawings like dragons and the view from my window but it was mostly all mike, I couldn't bear to imagine he found them

TW here (it's not that bad though

I couldn't help but to overthink the little things I'd done, I started to cry so I turned around with my head in the pillow and started sobbing. What's wrong with me, why do I like him, what if he tells people and someone outs me and what if mum didn't accept who I wa- my thoughts where cut short I heard someone walk up to Jonathan's room which is just past mine down the hall, I didn't want whoever it was to just hear sobbing from my room so I was as quiet as I could manage

TW end

I heard his favourite music blasting from his room, which was kind of confusing because the only person who's been here for Jonathan was Nancy (mikes older sister who Jonathan's dating) and she wasn't the type to listen to music like that, so who could it be?

As I was wondering I heard a quiet knock on my door "knock....knock....knock" followed by a whisper "can I come in wills I'm really worried about you" it was mike. my mind started racing and fluttering did he know I was in love with him, why'd he go into Jonathan's room first and why not mine?

Mike walked into my room to see paper and pencil all over my desk and me on my bed face down crying, the first thing he did was sit on the end of my bed, next to my feet and stare out the window (at least I think?) he tapped on my foot and asked if I wanted to talk or if not if he could talk. I was so confused why would he want to... but instead of overthinking once again I turned rubbed my eyes and asked him why he was here

Anxious for his response I looked at him thinking of what he would say, he replied with "Jonathan called me, he heard you crying and paper ripping and he was really worried that you would run away or hurt yourself somehow, so I came over to help you" for whatever reason I started bawling, mike got up came to my head asked me if he could sit next to me and just.. hugged me and I'm not sure but I think he started crying too? What is this, what's happening?

The panic attack must have been worse then I thought... I don't even remember half of it

Mike stayed over for the night, it was late noon maybe 5.pm? When he came. But I was exhausted from the day so I fell asleep really quickly and woke up the next morning to us laying in my bed and him quietly staring at me, was he blushing? I was so confused by this entire thing, did he like me back, did he know nothing, did Jonathan tell him, was I dreaming?

Thanks for reading <333 I've posted this before but I didn't like how it turned out so I've edited it a bit
Ily all hope you enjoyed
Oh almost forgot 832 words

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