chapter 2

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Simon stepped back from Hiruzen's desk, "Apologies for the mess."

Then he drew his strange coin and triggered its binding. A dead creature with milk white skin and spiraling black markings on the neck appeared on the ground.

It was roughly the size of a horse's upper body with long bone protrusions attached to its fingers. Its teeth were long and jagged, though no doubt sharp enough to shred skin with ease.

Hiruzen bent down to marvel at it. The creature didn't quite look real more like ink painted onto reality itself.

"What is this creature?" Hiruzen heard himself ask.

Simon held out his own arm to expose the milk white of his own arm, "Its a dread beast. Made from hyper condensed corrupted madra and Aura given life by one of the dreadgods. My family kill them in the name of the emperor of the Blackflame Empire, Archlord Yerin Ozmamthis."

He pulled a metal badge the size of a palm from his clothing.

Hiruzen stared at the gold framed silver for a moment before it caught the light and reflected rainbow colored light, in the center was an ancient lettering that he recognized from long ago in a set of ruins off the coast of the hidden mist. It read 'Sage: Overlord'.

"What is a Sage Overlord?" Hiruzen looked at him curiously, "We have sages, but I have a feeling your title means something else."

"From what I'm feeling, you guys are mixing your spiritual and physical energy inside you to create your power, right?" Simon asked.

Hiruzen nodded slowly, "Chakra is the combination of spiritual and physical energy, you called your power madra, am I to assume you dont?"

"Clever as cats you are," Simon winked, "Where I'm from we purposely keep the two separate. Our physical power builds until it creates an ability called an iron body, which grants superhuman physical abilities. Our spiritual power is typically hampered by this process until we take on an aspect. I happen to have two cores, one with no real aspect and one with Blackflame, like my father's. This method let's us build both until we hit a ceiling of power called advancement. At copper, a person gains the ability to see all forms of aura. At iron their bodies take on super human aspects. At jade we gain superior spiritual senses and a boost to spiritual power. Golds have are the next step, and they gain even greater power than jades. Then you move into the realm of lords. Once a gold becomes an underlord, we become less human. Our body is reconstructed by our soul fire to be a far better conduit for energy. Overlords have our bodies reinforced with soul fire again to become far more powerful. Some overlords like myself learn to manifest an icon of power to wield authority, kinda like how I opened those portals. And some of us become heralds. Sages master the world around us to advance, heralds master our body's and learn to supercharge our internal workings and bindings. The next stage is archlord, becoming a master Sage or herald becomes trivial and our power is increased further. Finally, there are monarchs. Monarchs come about one of two ways. A Sage learning to become a herald or herald becoming a Sage and combing the power of both. Monarchs are impossibility powerful. I only know of three."

Hiruzen blinked slowly, like a fish, "...and you're an Overlord and a Sage, where would you guess that puts your power?"

Simon shrugged, "You're asking me, but who am I supposed to ask? I don't know how powerful Chakra is."

Hiruzen accepted that, though he didn't like it. "What abilities do you have?"

"Like the rest of my family, I use the Blackflame path and hollow king path respectively. The black flame path let's me hurl Blackflame techniques that burn nearly anything, and supercharge my strength and speed with the burning cloak. The Hollow cloak let's me negate the aspects of other people's abilities, damage cores, and gain heightened strength, speed, and reflexes through the soul cloak. My arm let's me absorb madra and Aura, if I can use it I keep it, if not I have to vent it. And I have authority as a Sage. It let's me issue reality bound commands on things that I have greater will power than." Simon replied, he picked up a cup from Hiruzen's desk then dropped it.

"Hold." His command sent shivers up Hiruzen's spine and the cup actually froze. "As long as it's something all sages can do, or falls within my authority, I can command it with a word enforced by my will."

Then the cup fell and Simon let out a breath, "That command has always been taxing for me."

Hiruzen took a puff of his nearly forgotten pipe. "What do you want here, Simon?"

The visitor shrugged, "Honestly, I could use a break, I don't know how to get back since portals through the universe are a bit complicated, I normally stick to short jumps. Maybe I could stay, ensure dreadbeasts aren't going to come here, try to hit Archlord if possible."

"So you would seek asylum here?" Hiruzen asked.

"If possible, if not I'm sure I could find somewhere to lay my head, might even teach some of my techniques to those I deem worthy." Simon replied, thinking of the blonde boy.

Hiruzen smiled slightly, "I don't think that would be a problem, but I'd like for you to spar with a couple of my jonin, to see where you stand."

At that Simon smirked, "Well, that's fair. Can I meet the blonde kid? A villager told me he was a demon, and I've met and befriended demons before so I'd like to-," he paused, seeing the anger on Hiruzen's face, "Did I say something wrong?"

(>---Okay, lots of exposition guys, my bad. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from my favorite book series, Cradle, and just stretching things for fun. Have a good day folks and I hope you're enjoying the story.

For anyone wondering about levels of power I'll break it down with comparisons.

Copper-genin, weak churning
Jade-powerful chunin, low jonin
Gold- jonin
Underlord- powerful jonin(think Guy)
Overlord- stronger than the sanin
Archlord- Madarra/Hashirama
Monarch- full Kaguya/Momoshiki

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