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        SCREAMS PIERCED THE AIR, CHASED BY YELLS OF WARNING AS SOMEWHERE IN THE BUILDING, A FIRE ALARM WAS PULLED. The spell of horror was shattered, and it was as if life had retaken its claim. The six remained transfixed, normal eyes locked onto lifeless, milky white ones, stumbling away towards the mass exiting the school. Horror, pure horror was scrawled across each of the group member's faces, as the terrifying creature launched itself forward, infatuated with the prospect of un-infested flesh. The zombies entrails were falling from a fresh wound in it's stomach, as inhumane moans left its mouth, it's hair previously done up in pigtails was matted with blood. Yellowed fingertips dug into the victim's face, forcing it away as it's ragged mouth bit into the victim's flesh. It was as if some parasite had eaten away at the zombie's mind until all that was left was a hunger.

         Divya let out an ear curdling scream, leaping backwards, away from the window as though it burned her. "Shit," she whispered, eyes darting around the room at any place except for the body, gaze finally landing the door. In a few swift strides, she was tugging at the door, desperately. It was locked.

        "Benson, he locked it when he left," Persephone said. Her breathing was shallow, fingers shaking ever so slightly as she gently peeled Divya's grasp off of the handle. "And as of right now, we can't get out, because it's likely our keys are walking out the front door." Persephone's attempts to gently deliver the news didn't go over well.

        It was as if there was a small war inside of the detention room, previously so silent, suddenly was exploding with noise. Vinny was screaming, and from the sound of it, shoving the remaining chocolate bar into his mouth. Anita was screeching ungodly insults at Mr. Benson, as Cole attempted to no avail to calm them down. All while Persephone was viciously tearing through the room, looking for any kind of key as she paused only to swear violently.

        "That absolute child endangering, life ending, son of a—" As it turned out, Anita could be incredibly creative whenever it came to insulting a teacher. They were dallying between throwing various items against the window in an effort to break it, cursing Mr. Benson, and pausing to give Cole the middle finger. 

        "Fuck me," Divya hissed, launching a well placed kick towards the glass, and grabbing the axe inside. She held onto it with a steady grasp, facing towards the door as she sent a sidelong glance at Persephone. The blonde was tearing through the room, her hands brushing over cabinets and desks as though a key would materialize if she simply willed it to.

        Persephone only looked up upon these words, a smirk tracing her lips. "Gladly," her smirk deepened upon seeing Divya blush the exact same color as her cherry red axe. Nevertheless, the room was still bursting with shouts and screams, lingering with those that came from outside the room.

          "Everyone stop," the words had a soft power to them, as Soren caused a break in the havoc. He sighed, scratching the back of his head as he collected his thoughts. The amount of noise the other five had produced was deafening. "We need to stay calm, take what we can, and find a way out." He spoke confidently, as though he'd been through a hundred situations such as the current one.

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