Chapter Four Trick or Treat, Freak

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Eleven's POV

I was in the bedroom with El making a ghost outfit for Halloween but I didn't want to put mine on until tonight so we put the sheet over her head and she went out to scare Hopper El wanted until he turned around and jumped I started to laugh "very funny kid" Hopper said to me.

El tried to talk to him about going Trick or Treating with me but Hop told her no "hey El I will take an extra bag with me tonight a get you all the candy you want how about that" I said and she smiled at me.

I said bye to El and Hopper took me to school when we got there I saw the boys all dressed up as the Ghostbusters "wow guys wow the Ghostbusters nice" I said they asked what I was going to be this year I told them a sea princess since I am one.

We all walked into the school and all of the kids were laughing at the boys we all just didn't listen to them.

Mike's POV

I was talking to Will and Dawn while Dustin and Lucas were talking to Max "so Dawn have you heard what people are calling you?" I asked she looked at me confused "what do you mean what are people calling me" she said back I was about to answer but Will beat me to it "Zombie girl they call you Zombie girl just like they call me Zombie boy" he said.

She looked upset "hey are you, okay you know what who cares what people think I would love to be friends and cousins with Zombie boy and girl," I said they both smiled "thanks Mike," they both said at the same time "no problem guys no problem," I said back after that we went to all of our classes for the rest of the day.

Max's POV

Billy picked me up from school we driving to the house Billy was saying this place smells like shit "it's not that bad" I said after that he rolled down the window "SMELL THAT MAX SMELLS LIKE SHIT!" he said holding his nose I roll back up the window he thinks I am depending this place well I am just a little because I made a friend that doesn't see me have a freak "no I don't like it here" I said to him "okay but who's fault was it that we had to move here?" he asked

"Yours" I whisper but I think he heard me and yelled in my face and started to drive faster than we see the guys and Dawn "these your new heck friends," he said I told him I didn't know he said I wouldn't mind if he hit the "I get bonus points if I hit him all but will get triple if I hit the girl," he said have we got close I moved the steering wheel and we miss them but I see Dawn and Dustin on the ground I hope they're okay.

Jonathan's POV

I was driving Will and Dawn to meet up with Mike and the boy Will started to tell me that Nancy wasn't going with Mike so why couldn't Dawn and he goes by themselves after we got to Mike's house "okay you and Dawn can go by ourselves both of their eye go wide and said Thank you over and over then got out of the car.

I get the flyer out of my jacket and look at it and started the car and went to the party.

Nancy's POV

I, Barb, and Steve were talking when I wanted to get a drink I went to the punch bowl "WHAT IN THIS!" I asked over the music "PRUE FUEL PRUE FUEL!" the boy yelled I get a cup and took a drink then went dancing with Steve and Barb.

Dawn's POV

Dawn's Costume 

I and the boys went up to a house "Trick or Treat" we all said and the woman called us all different people than what we were dressed as we all were saying how gross 3 musketeers were when a Michael Myers mask jumped out and scared the boys I was ...

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I and the boys went up to a house "Trick or Treat" we all said and the woman called us all different people than what we were dressed as we all were saying how gross 3 musketeers were when a Michael Myers mask jumped out and scared the boys I was ready to get my swords out but Mike stop me.

It is Max she got the boys she told us that the good candy is more up so Dustin, Lucas, and Will followed her but I stayed with Mike.

Will's POV

I was walking with Mike and Dawn when they went up to a house I followed but people stopped me but one scared me and I fell over and I was the upside down again I look round "Mike Dawn" I yell but no one answered.

I look up to see the shadow monster it comes at me but the necklace Dawn gave me to hurt it then I ran down the stairs and got down on my knees then Mike got me out I look round and I am back "Will are you okay" Dawn asked Mike helps me up and he and Dawn take me home.

Jonathan"s POV

I pull up to the house where the party is I got out and went in I see Barb and walk over to her "hey Bard" I said she looks over and see me "hey Jonathan I thought you were going Trick or Treating with Will and Dawn" she said I shook my head and told her that Will and Dawn wanted to Trick or Treat by themselves.

After talking to Barb for a while we both see Steve leaving and we go to check on Nancy and see she is drunk I look at the both of them "let's get you guys home" I said and Barb nod she helps Nancy into the car.

I drop off Barb first and then I get Nancy home and take her up to her room and put her to bed I take off her shoes and cover her up she grabs my arm "Jonathan" she said fell to sleep I turn off her light and leave her room.

Mike's POV

I, Dawn, and Will were in the basement Will was telling us that he was there again but there was this thing it tried to attack him but the necklace Dawn gave him saved him "I feel like people don't understand what happened to me and Dawn" he said.

"El would she be the one who helps save the both of you I feel like she is still here but not here," I said "Mike El will always be with you even if you can or don't see her the best way to keep her in your heat is to just remember her," Dawn said.

"Thanks, Dawn," I said she nodded her head after that Will left and Hopper came and got Dawn.

Dawn's POV

Hopper and I got home he did the special knock and she let us in "hey El I got you some candy she came out from the room and I gave her the bag of candy we both eat some of it we both went to bed.

Eleven's POV

Once Hopper and Dawn were asleep I turn on the TV and put on the blindfold and went to the black place and saw Mike in the fort he made me last year "it's day 253 I had a bad day today if your there please give me a sign" he said "Mike" I said back "Eleven is that you?" he said.

I go to touch him but he gets up and walks away then I take the blindfold and cry "I miss you too Mike" I said they want to bed.

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