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(Pre-established relationship)  TW: SH‼️

Eddie sat in his room waiting for Steve to get to his trailer. He sat on his couch, tense with a towel wrapped around his arm and tears steaming down his face. His attention shot to the door when he heard the hinges squeak. Steve nearly ran to Eddie and pulled him into a hug. Eddie sobbed into the hug as he explained what had happened. Eddie had been at his breaking point and that's when he decided the pick up the blade and cut himself. He didn't mean to it just happened. Steve told him that is was going to be alright and helped him clean up his cuts. When he was done bandaging the long haired boys cut he sat next to him on the couch. Eddie looked at Steve. "Steve?" Eddie asked timidly. Steve turned his attention to eddie. "Do you still love me now that I've done this?" Eddie said with tears in his eyes. Steve pulled eddie to his chest. "You will never be unloved by my, my dear" Steve whispered as he rubbed circles into Eddie's back.

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