Untitled part 2(GRAPHIC)

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Nagito POV:

Nagito walked down the hallway to Sonia's room. He chuckled lightly under his breath, despair completely filling his soul. He was doing this for Hajime.. He was doing this for the sake of him and Hajime.. He had his razors and knife in his pocket. He drooled, having it drip onto the floor. He resisted cackling in laughter. Sonia's room was soundproof, so was most everyone else's for privacy. No one ever assumed a murder would happen here.. Would they? Nagito didn't care what would happen. He just wanted Hajime to himself.

Nagito continued his way down the hallway, until he made his way to Sonia's room. He took out his all access key, and unlocked her door. He slowly opened it, reading her clock. 2:14 am. She was asleep. He tiptoed in, gently shutting the door behind him. At this, Sonia woke up. She slowly rubbed her eyes, looking over at Nagito.

"N-Nagito..? What could you be doing here at such an hour..?"

Fuck, she knew it was him. He had to act pretty quickly. Nagito stumbled over to Sonia, a deranged look in his eyes. His face glowed in the faint moonlight pouring through Sonia's window. Sonia looked terrified. Nagito was shaking quite a lot, but he got on top of Sonia and pulled out his knife.

"N-No! Please!!!"

Sonia began to cry. Tears poured down her face as she sobbed, looking at Nagito. He tilted his head, his small chuckles turning into full on laughs.

"Aww, you seem so scared, Sonia! Don't you know that all life ends eventually anyways..? Even an ultimate like you.. Your life will end. And.. When it will end..? That just so happens to be in a few minutes, so don't worry!"

Nagito smiled brightly, and plunged the knife into Sonia's shoulder. She opened her mouth, but no noise came out. She was in too much shock, her heart rate skyrocketing. Drool dripped onto Sonia, the  blood had splattered all over her and Nagito. Nagito held his free hand up to his face, holding it. His face had blood splattered on it. He took his knife out, and looked Sonia deep into her eyes. Despair. Terror. Betrayal. Nagito took out one of his razors, and put it to Sonia's throat. She tried to grab his hand, but he pushed it out of the way. He slit her throat. Not enough to make her die, but enough to make it thoroughly bleed. Sonia closed her eyes, her salty tears flowing onto the clean bed. She had accepted her fate by now.

Nagito took his knife, and plunged it into Sonia's chest. She gasped, and coughed up blood. She could feel her vision getting blurry both from absolute terror, and blood loss. Nagito threw her blanket off, and moved down. He slit her body open. From her chest down to her lower stomach, her organs pouring out as she tried to sit up and stop him. She choked on blood, in an unbearable amount of pain. She passed out from shock, her eyes open. Nagito leaned in, and slowly watched the life fade from them. Just to add insult to injury, Nagito began to cut off her head. Blood was getting everywhere. His laughs filled the room. They were maniacal cackles now.

Blood spurt out everywhere from Sonia's neck, but he finally got her head off. Her eyes rolled to the side, but he gripped her head and forced her to look him in the eyes. Those lifeless eyes... They filled him with so much adrenaline. He threw her head onto the bed, and got up, covered in blood. His laughter had stopped by now, he just wore a blank expression.  Most of it had dried or coagulated on him by now, so he figured he was fine... He walked out of the dorm slowly, shutting the door gently. Leaving behind the crime scene of a lifetime. He slowly walked back to his room. He didn't regret what he did, not at all. It was for him and for Hajime, so he didn't care. He didn't care at all. He would do anything for Hajime. So, he took off his clothes, threw his weapons into his drawer, and collapsed onto his bed. He slept very soundly that night...

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