Chapter 191: The vanity boyfriend of a real daughter

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The summer is scorching, and seeing the sky gradually darkening, the road still gives people a feeling of steaming. Walking on the ground gives people a warm touch. It is already past eight o'clock in the evening, in the city. In every corner, the most frequented one is the barbecue stall.

At a barbecue stall in the west of the city, a table is full of guests. The waiter is placing orders for these guests, and then shuttles among the crowd to serve dishes.

I have to say that in summer, it's more refreshing to eat grilled skewers, grilled fish, and drink beer. Don't look at the barbecue stalls that are open-air, but in fact, compared to some well-decorated shops, they make a lot of money. .

A young girl in a red T-shirt came to the barbecue stall on the right side of the stall, glanced at the menu she was holding, and her voice was bright and crisp.

"Ten lamb skewers, ten beef skewers, one grilled fish, two chicken wings, and more peppers."

After she reported the menu, the girl standing at the barbecue nodded.

"Got it."

On such a hot summer day, the girl was still wearing a white chef's uniform and a white hat on her head. She was wearing a mask at this time and she only showed a pair of beautiful eyes. It can be seen that the girl is very young.

She skillfully took out the lamb skewers and beef skewers from the side and put them on the charcoal-grilled fire, and then began to brush honey and oil-consuming sauces over and over again. It can be seen that she is a veteran.

Many people who come to eat barbecue here are all for her craftsmanship. Every day, at least more than 3,000 kebabs can be consumed. It can be said that the business is very good.

In addition, this girl is very smart. She negotiated with some manufacturers of new wines to buy beer at a low price, and then engages in activities with the store to promote these new wines, which is another good commission.

It was hot, let alone standing by the stove, and soon a lot of lamb skewers were prepared. The girl called the waiter to come and take it away, and then continued to get into the busy schedule.

This is the way many people live, and they have to go through such a busy schedule to get money.

For example, this barbecue restaurant must open at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we must prepare all the materials that need to be sold. At 8 o'clock in the evening is the beginning of everything. When the real get off work is off, the guests are all gone. , It is estimated that it is more than two points.

The same is true today. The girl kept making mutton skewers and other skewers until the guests drank the wine and ate all these skewers and left.

At this time everyone has to help clean up the table, but the girl doesn't need it.

She entered the lounge in the barbecue shop. The cool air-conditioning made her feel refreshed. She quickly took a three-minute battle bath. Then she changed into a black T-shirt and black wide-leg pants. Her hair was Some were messy and covered by a hat, and only a fair face could see that the girl was beautiful.

This person is Zhang Yufei, a little girl who dropped out of school to work when she was a teenager. She is 21 years old this year. She has been in this barbecue shop for four years. She is an apprentice in front of her, and she can seem to support the stall now. I'm a chef, and the salary is good, but I'm tired.

When she went out, she saw other colleagues beckoning to her.

"Yu Fei, come over for dinner, Brother Wang brought delicious food."

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