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"Just jam it in their it's not that hard" the taller out of the group "well it is when SOMEONE IS YELLING AT YOU" she yelled

At the black haired male the three were trying to shove a body down a hole

"Well if you finish the guy we wouldn't be here" yeji said with both of her hands on the body

"Hey hyunjin stop smoking" hyunjin rolled his eyes back at soobin
Soobin was the first to realize someone was watching them

"Guys we gotta move " soobin patted on yeji back a sign for running
The three ran away leaving the body and the two police officers


Two police officers found a dead body by the bay rivers they have yet identified the body

Yeonjun was watching TV with his roommate jungwon
Yeonjun was not paying attention to to the TV at all actually jungwon on the other hand was scared like if you scared a cat with water

"I don't think it's best to go out tonight hyung" jungwon said while making lunch

"It's fine besides I'm going to hangout with some one tonight " yeonjun said while jungwon set down plates with sandwiches on it
"Oooooo is it some I know?" Jungwon asked

"Oooooo mind your own business" Jungwon pouted and sat down yeonjun chuckled at jungwon cuteness

While they were eating someone knocked on their door jungwon sat up and opened the door their friend Ryujin was wearing a white sport bra with a cropped hoodie and white cargo pants

"Did you guys see the news " letting her self in into their house jungwon just stood their and mumbled a little "ok"

Ryujin layed down onto the couch looking up at the roof

Yeonjun turned and and eat his sandwich awhile looking at her " like that's fucking close" she said while siting up

Yeonjun rolled his eyes awhile drinking some strawberry milk "I know right that's like across the street" jungwon said ryujin just sighed

" well we have worst things to think about uh hello~ we have a the show tomorrow "

Yeonjun blinked and his hands in his face "don't remind me " jungwon said as he wanted to die

"Just stop right there" ryujin said as she sighed "come on we have to practice or Ms Hirai is gonna get mad at us"

Yeonjun said as he got up to wash his plate " I don't want to" jungwon said

"I'll buy you ramen" yeonjun said and it didn't take jungwon a second to get up ryujin just sighed knowing they were gonna force her to go with them
So she got up by herself


"이렇게 난 또 fiction in fiction
잊지 못하고 fiction in fiction".  Jungwon sang as bangchan their choir teacher studies his voice
Yeonjun and ryujin were dancing the hardest they could
As their dance teacher ms Hirai watches there every move

" Again!" She yelled yeonjun and ryujin were tired by now

Jungwon vocal chords were hurting as he sang more, it was a Saturday and they were at school

"Mr Chan can we get a break??" Jungwon said walking up to him
"I think it's time your guys to go it's 5:00 you guys have been dancing and singing for 5 hours"

Out of no where they got so happy from leaving
They grabbed their bags and left as quickly as they could


"What do you guys want to do" yeonjun said walking in front of his friends "well-"
Yeonjun cut off ryujin "WE COULD GO TO THE MOVIES!"

"I don't wanna I wanna go home" Jung won said starting to walk home
"Aw ok fine" Yeonjun said "hey is it ok for me to sleep at you guys house my mom is mad at me right now"

Jungwon looked at yeonjun while yeonjun noded "sure why not" jungwon said with a smile

They came home to eat ramen and watch a movie nightmare before Christmas
Since it was October

(Nightmare before Christmas is a Halloween movie fight me)

They sat down on couch and ate

Soobin on the other hand was eating but what???

I'm bored 🤠👍🏼

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