the fight

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band ud expinmge d cdavw and bambi was in a school called 3ducations school....

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dace : ahhhh what anice day to go to an school. i am very happy. yes!

dave go to school and he see his friend s (baMBI BANCU AND EXPUNGED)

dave: hello gamers

b bambi: hi dave how fucking are you?

dave; bambi im Good

bambi; Ok

bambi: guys look there is dsaerve 

exdpunged : hi loser!

basndu: HI DABVE 

dave: hi! you guys want pla-

bell rang

dave: owh, we better get boi  going !

all except for dave: ok 

bambi: so dave you and me are in the fucking same class right?

dave: Yes

bamvi : yey

epxunge damd bandu: hey dont forgert us too we are also in youer class!

dave: oh ok!

expunged slowly walks away from the gang..... aw.............

فاثفغ they are finding theyre class through the hall wya, and they are sup[rised by cool details of the school :O

dave: i kind of nervous..

banud and bambi: its ok dave we will Protect you ffrom bully

dave: Thank you guys 

dave:  ithink that is our class

bandu: oh ok

bandu: we. should go in 

they go in. 

davw: oh this is not that bad.

bambi: see? there is only 3 other people. we are early.

bandu: yay! wooho!

dave: yeas. you are right ba- OMY GOD IS THAT MOLDY??????? G H???????? GUITAR HERO??????????

 you are right ba- OMY GOD IS THAT MOLDY??????? G H???????? GUITAR HERO??????????

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