what seems to be is not always true

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  In a cabin in the forest there were screams of help.Two people outside laughing with satisfaction of their achievement
"Why are you doing this to me?asked Vyenna crying bitterly due to the pain from the scotching fire..In her eyes there was fear and hatred for the two people she ever trusted in her life
   " Oh.dear Vyenna upto now you don't get it you are of no use to us anymore, foolish you has handed all her family's assets to us"said Jiaye
"That's right.My baby is speaking the truth. Now,I never truly loved you all I desire is the Mo's property.The wedding certificates you signed they were all to transfer all the assets under your name to me,you did it with smiles" said Axel
Vyenna shouted while sobbing"you jerk!I-I-I (sob) trusted you but this is how you treat me.I should have listened to my father and brother when they warned me

A man's voice rang's angrily"Jerk!leave my daughter alone you will just ruin and break her heart,you are only after our assets.I know you don't love her you love Jiaye I can see the way you look at that filthy girl.Yet you claim...
(Angrily) Say another word about Jiaye and I'll kill you and yes I don't love Vyenna and never will.You can run and tell her the truth but guess what she is madly in love with me and I think you know that.You have been against our relationship for a long time and she knows you will do everything in your power to destroy our relationship.Don't worry after I get everything I want,I'll deliver her to you.Now leave before I kill you early before the right time.
You-You(angrily) You'll pay for everything justyou wait and see.
   (Door bangs closed and end of the audio)
"Now you see your dad already knew everything and came to tell you but stupid you didn't believe him.(scoffs)"He tried to kill my sweetheart here and I had to eliminate him.Soon after your brother and momma interfered and I had to get rid of them to.You see you are the cause of your family's death,if only you listened they would probably be alive" said Axel
(Sobbing so hard and choking due to the smoke)Yo-(cough)you monster(cough cough cough) I'll kill you..."said Vyenna
"Oh(hahaha)wow you're about to die but still thinking of killing me.Oh baby try!!l promised you father to deliver you to him and I must fulfill it also say Hi to him r me"
"From me to(smirks then sarcastically laughs)Vyenna bestie hope you'll forgive me but I am pregnant with Axel's baby" loudly announced Jiaye
Shocked Axel asked"Baby you are pregnant? "
"Mmh!You don't look so happy.Why?" Inquired Jiaye
"(Enthusiastically) Not happy are you kidding,this is the greatest news ever!" Said Axel

       They totally forgot about Vyenna and started talking about the baby.Na'er felt sick in the stomach and now just wished to die other than staying with these two.So she gave up and cuddled herself in a corner)

  "Oh look dear Na'er kept quiet I think she is already dead now.Let's go an celebrate now." Said Jiaye
"Mmh let's go"
      Jiaye walked in front in a hurry and didn't see the sad and regret expression on Axel.Axel looked back and had a bitter smile."father-in-law I promised to bring your daughter to you.Please forgive me"

"They will all pay for what they have to my family.In the next life ,vengeance shall be mine.Just you wait" declared Vyenna

     The fire spread all over and everything turned to ashes.Our dear Na'er.

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