New chances

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The birds are chirping and humming,the sun is shining brightly and the breeze is so refreshing the waves of the ocean are rhythmical.On  a bed lay a young beautiful young lady sleeping without a care to the world.The sun is sipping into her room through the gap of the slightly opened curtain.

Tiki tiki tiki

"Urgh!what the hell,so loud make it stop"(moving her hands frantically to find the alarm clock and throws it to the floor)
        (A woman enters without knocking and opens the curtains)"Wake up young girl,time to get ready for school(the young lady covers her head)(Her mother pulls of the covers)15 minutes and get down for breakfast your brother is waiting for you hurry up"

(Na'er drags her body to the bathroom and then....

"Oh My God,Oh My God,did I-did I just go back in time.OMG!
Finishes preparing herself in a hurry.Get's out of the bathroom and searched for her phone and.....
Hold up!Wow wow! Awesome am 18 again.Two days before my birthday and also before I accepted Axel as my boyfriend.I made a wrong choice once and am not gonna blow it up the second time again.

Walks downstairs with her back pack,when she sees her family again she couldn't contain her tears anymore they started to flow?

       "Oh no,who made my baby cry?Lemu did you bully your sister again you brat I'll beat you up!"Her mother exclaimed
        "No I didn't I have been helping you prepare breakfast all this mom,this isn't fair you love her more than me,anyways, my  lil sister who made you i'll beat the shit out of th.. Ouch! Mum"Lemu complained

      (She hugs everybody and they all stare at her in utter disbelief)"First of all you are not getting into a fight and secondly I love you guys so very much"Vyenna says

Everyone was just looking at her as if she was a ghost,the last time she said that she was 15 years and then everything changed from that day.Her mother hugged her with tears of joy soon the father son duo joined in the hug only one person was missing.

    "Enough f this, let's all enjoy our breakfast and also princess you also know we all love you so much(she nodded her head).Can we eat I am starving"Mr Guhandlo said
Everybody laughs at this and they all settle down as a family to enjoy breakfast while making small jokes here and there.The siblings took there lunch and said there goodbyes and drove to school this is their last year in school and no one knows they are related cause they are rarely seen together.   
(The bell for classes to begin)

Vyenna enters her first which is English literature.She felt ecstatic being here again,took her seat.Who knew the witch was coming.

     "Aaaaaaah bestie"Jiaye screamed
She hugs Na'er and can't see the disgust  written all over Vyenna's face but someone saw it

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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