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Dear Diary,
The life as Orochimaru-sama's servant is tough.
He's demanding, sometimes annoying, feels like he only lives off eggs and tea.
Sometimes I get beaten or whipped for misbehaving (standing up for myself*) or making mistakes.

But other times he's not as others describe him, I see in him.. a weak spot.
Everytime he does something, he looks at me with a serious face waiting for my approval.
"You're a genius my Lord"
"You look wonderful my Lord"
"As amazing as ever Orochimaru-sama"
Then turns around again with a satisfied smile on his face.

I feel that's the reason he praises me when I do what he tells me to do correctly.
"Good job Kabuto"
"Just like I told you"
Or rarely, but still happens "Good boy"
He doesn't think I'm a complete failure, that's a relief.

Often when I go over to bring him tea to his office or his room, I overhear him talking to himself or raging, like ranting about the past.
Last time I heard him saying "How can people expect me not to get mad when I'm no one's favourite".
I.. know exactly how that feels like.
Even at the Foundation it was a bit hard feeling part of the group, I'm the quiet type.
Although since I'm with him, I feel like I'm a step above his other servants, like I'm more special and important.

Could it be I'm his favourite?

Yours, Kabuto.

Dear Diary -Yours, KabutoWhere stories live. Discover now