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"First time?" Sarada's voice carries a gentle curiosity as she gazes at Kawaki, her smile radiant. It's almost like she's the architect of his joy, and that stings a bit. After all, I'm the one who orchestrated this outing, yet she's the one soaking up all the attention.

Kawaki stands between us, Lord Hokage leading the way. I steal a glance at him. He looks so content, nibbling on the taiyaki with childlike innocence, holding it delicately with both hands.

"If it is?" Kawaki's response carries a hint of defiance, accompanied by a glance that holds more meaning than I can decipher.

Sarada responds with a touch of sass, "No harm in that. Just caught me off guard."

Observing their interaction, I can't help but wonder why Sarada is so surprised by Kawaki's taiyaki-eating experience. Meanwhile, Lord Hokage pulled me aside earlier to reveal Kawaki's impending role as Jigen's vessel. It's a reminder that we shouldn't hastily judge someone's backstory.

I face forward after Sarada's remark, glancing at Naruto, who seems to be assessing the situation as his eyes flicker toward Sarada and Kawaki.

"Hey, is it good? I've never tried the chocolate one before," Sarada asks as she steps closer to Kawaki, tilting her head in that slightly playful way.

It makes me think she might have a crush on him, which gives me a weird twist in my gut. I always thought Sarada liked Boruto. She never outright said it, but she talks about him a lot, like she's interested. Even my mum mentioned it once.

"Kawaki, let her have a bite," Naruto says with a smile, turning back to the three of us.

"What? But it's mine. Why should I?" Kawaki replies, sounding genuinely perplexed..

"Well...." Naruto starts to explain, but Sarada interjects.

"It's fine. Do what you want," Sarada says with annoyance laced in her tone.

I move closer to Kawaki and gently tug on his blue tank jacket, trying to get his attention. He turns his head, looking down at me while we continue to walk. "Kawaki, can I have a bite? Just a small one, I promise," I ask, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes.

He lets out a resigned sigh, the kind you make when you're giving in to something you know you should probably resist. "Here, only one bite, I mean it," he says, offering the taiyaki toward me, though still holding onto it.

A burst of joy and surprise fills my eyes. He didn't let Sarada have any, but he's offering me a bite. I wonder why that is?

I take a bite and flash him a happy, grateful smile. "Thanks, Kawaki," I say, giving his arm a light nudge with my shoulder. He quickly turns his face away, as if to hide something, but I can see a faint blush creeping up his tanned cheeks.

As we walk through the streets of Konoha, the sounds of the village fill the air—children laughing and playing, shopkeepers playfully bantering with customers. It's the usual Konoha energy, bustling and alive. I can't help but feel a sense of belonging here, surrounded by friends and familiar faces.

"Haha, wait!" a child yells, chasing after a friend. The boy crashes into Kawaki, almost knocking him over. Kawaki reacts immediately, his arm morphing into a hardened, dark substance—the manifestation of his Karma.

"Kawaki, stop!" Naruto shouts, sensing the danger. But Kawaki is operating purely on instinct, his eyes sharp and his movements aggressive.

I rush toward Kawaki, feeling the adrenaline surge through me. This is one reason why I always keep my Sharingan activated. I grab his 'Karmafied' arm just as Naruto does the same. We both manage to hold him back before he can hurt the child who bumped into him. Relief washes over me; I know I'm fast—graduated from the academy at five and all—but still, things could have gone very wrong.

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