On the way to the reat of their lives

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Everyone from 51 went back to their hotel for the night as they were catching a flight back to Chicago in the morning all besides Dawson who her and Shay have finally decided to give their relationship a go now that Shay and the guys are moving back to Chicago. She's a firefighter now so their relationship won't be a problem. Shay met her new partner Sylvia Brett over FaceTime and they get along like two peas in a pod. Casey is staying for a few extra days as well he's missed his best friends.

The next day 51 is saying goodbye just as the 118 show up.

Evan notices them and gestures for them and Athena to come in. He has Gracie and Lexie on his lap and Kelly's sitting by him.

"Everyone this is the 118." Evan introduces each and everyone one of 51 to the 118 members and Athena.

"We didn't even know Buck had been at another firehouse." Eddie says coldly.

"Well apparently you didn't look at his file." Casey's retorts sending daggers at Eddie and captain Nash for not reading his file.

"I just assumed someone who jumps into dangerous situations as much as Buck must've been from the academy, '' Bobby tries to explain.

Herman snorts and says "that's the damn job and Evan is a damn good firefighter."  There's echos of his statement throughout the room. Bobby rolls his eyes pissing both Casey and boden off.

"You don't think he is captain?" Boden says as him and casey and Kelly get into Bobby's face as they see the deflated look on Evans face.

"It doesn't matter now what he thinks we are going back to Chicago anyways." Evan explained trying to defuse the situation.

"You're leaving? With them?" Athena asks the hurt eviendent  on her face.

"Yes, in one week the doc said I can travel by plane by then." Evan explained not caring anymore about thiese people; they obviously don't care about him.

"Don't you think it's best for you to stay here with the people that cares about you?" Eddie snarls, making pretty much everyone 51 members in the room chuckle.

Herman's the one to pipe up though. "If you cared it wouldn't of taken you four days to come visit him. Hell we all just got off a 24 hour shift, left our families and flew to see him because we care."  Herman says sending dangers to everyone of the 118 and Athena.

"Listen Evan doesn't need this or you right now. Chief is Evans transfer put through?" Kelly states and asks

"Yes, Grissom signed off on it himself." Boden tells Kelly and Evan patting the younger firefighter on the back and ruffling the twins' hair.

"Good so we are done, I can't do this right now." Evan stands up to the 118.

"Whatever" Bobby and Eddie says then Athena adds "hope your happy." And they all walk out leaving an upset Evan.

Shay, Dawson, and Kelly go over and try to comfort the young man.

"It's ok, baby. I'm so sorry this happened, we should have never come to L.A." Kelly says softly as he hugs Evan and puts his head on his shoulder. Kelly lets a few tears spill onto his cheeks. He feels like this is all his fault.

"If we wouldn't have came to L.A then your neck wouldn't be fixed and you'd be behind a desk the rest of your career. I'll take the heartache any day  to make sure you keep doing your dream job, Kel." Evan says so purely that it breaks Kelly's heart.

"It's going to be okay." Shay says to both men.


The week flew by and before they know it their cars are being shipped to Chicago along with their stuff, and they are at the airport saying goodbye to Maddie.

"Thanks for being so understanding and accepting of everything Mads." Evan says as he hugs his older sister.

"No problem. Promise you won't keep my nieces or the new little one away from me?" Maddie pleads with her baby brother.

"I promise, you can visit anytime you like and we will FaceTime all the time ok?" Evan asks and reassures Maddie.

"Thank you and yes I'll visit and call whenever I can. I love you Evan." Maddie tells the younger Buckley sibling.

"Love you to Mads." Evan says as Kelly walks over to them with Lexie in his arms as shays got Gracie on hers.

"We gotta go, babe." Kelly says
Evan nods wiping a start tear from his face, Maddie gives Kelly a hug after Evan takes Lexie out of his arms, and whispers to him, "take care of them, be there for Evan as I know it's hard on him that the 118 just so easily turned their backs on him."

"No worries, I got him, I'll protect that man to the ends of this earth and be there through every storm that is sent our way. I promise." Kelly tells Maddie.

"Thank you." She says as she relishes him from her grasp.

She then goes over to Shay and says "thank you for bringing my nieces into this world, take care of them all, and be safe yourself." Maddie tells the slightly younger woman.

"No problem, and I will. It was nice to finally meet you Maddie, take care of yourself." Shay tells the older woman.

"I will," Maddie then turns to her nieces, then speaks softly to them, saying "it was nice to finally meet you, Lexie, and Gracie, you be good for your parents okay, I love you guys with all my heart."

"Wuve your too, auntie." Lexie and Gracie say in unison in their almost four year old voices.

"Ok you guys better go." Maddie says and then they do, they board the plane Dawson right by Shay's side.

Once on the plane and the trains settled Kelly thinks back to the early days of him and Evan.


Its been a year since the new candidate on truck 81 started. One Evan Buckley.

The blond had a thing for the silver haired squad lieutenant since day one and vice versa. They had been flirting with each other and both Andy and Casey had told severide to make a move along with Shay.

So when the blond truckie came over to the squad table where severide was lost in his thoughts alone, as the rest of squad was in the common room, severide took the opportunity to feel out the situation.

"Here, lieutenant, thought you could use a cup of coffee." Evan said.

"Thanks Evan, I appreciate it." Severide says as he looks deeply into the other man's eyes making the blond blush slightly.

"Your welcome, well I should  probably leave you alone." Evan says sadly.

Severide quickly sitting up, saying "No, sit with me." Severide takes Evans hand in his own, and they smile at each other.

"Okay."Evan sits and they chat about everything from work to the wheater then Evan clears his throuaght and shyly asks "would you like to grab a drink sometime? Just the two of us?" He is nervous, kelly can tell that the younger man is nervous by the way he's bouncing his leg.

Kelly puts a hand over Evans and says "it's a date."  The younger man smiles and says "it's a date.

Flashback over.

Now almost a decade later they have been married for almost four years and have twin 3 and a half year olds, with another on the way, and Kelly couldn't be happier.

They arrive in Chicago and head to the house they bought, their ready for the rest of their lives... in Chicago where they belong, with the people that love them most...firehouse 51..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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