talking with boo

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"Is that good?" He looked at them for their answer expectantly. "Is it better?"

"I think, maybe..." Clementine bit their lip, not understanding why this was so difficult.

Clementine decides to go to Ranboo for help concerning her recent struggles. Ranboo proposes the idea that she may be transgender. She doesn't know how to feel about it, but Ranboo's there to help her out.


Clementine hasn't been the same recently. She's been distant, trying to put up the same front she always did, but it didn't feel right. She didn't like referring to herself as a 'woman' as she had before. Maybe Clementine had always felt this way and she's just now realizing it. It felt wrong, inaccurate. It made her uncomfortable and she couldn't describe it past that.

Clementine had always been a bit more 'boyish'. As a kid, she would always rather play in the mud with her friend Tubbo than anything else, she ruined countless dresses that way. Until she started wearing shorts and pants, showing an obvious and undeniable preference for them.

No one denied her right to wear as she pleased and do as she pleased. It hadn't bothered them, she had simply been ruled off as a tomboy. Clementine loved calling herself that. Much more than the term 'girl', at least.

As Clementine grew older, she became more open, more loud, and more bold. She wore as she pleased and made it very clear she didn't give a damn what others thought of it. Feminism at its finest, that's what people thought when they saw her. They saw her as an independent, incredible young woman. She didn't know why that made her uncomfortable. It was supposed to be a compliment.

She, despite not necessarily liking it, held the title with pride. Clementine was a strong, independent woman. Because that's what she was told. That's what they said about her, so she believed it.

She continued to be herself. People seemed to like that. They supported her when she wore more masculine clothing, which, in all honesty, was more gender neutral than anything.
They said she was a statement. A staple for the new generation. A symbol of feminism.

She couldn't help but wonder if they would feel the same way if she stopped shaving or started wearing men's deodorant, or cologne. She was already cutting it close with her jaw-length hair.

It's not that Clementine didn't like it. She loved when people said those kinds of things about her. It made her feel like she made a difference, or at least, has the power to do so. But, Clementine, for some reason, didn't feel like it was right. Like somehow, calling her a feminist wasn't right. It made her feel guilty like she was lying about something, she just didn't know what.

Techno introduced her to Dream when she was pretty young. The boy had always been in her life. She looked up to him almost as much as she did her brothers and father. He was almost always wearing a mask, she thought that was weird, but, each to their own I suppose. She did later learn that it was because he had facial dysphoria. Dream had a younger brother, Ranboo. Ranboo was annoying. She didn't like him, and she especially didn't like that Ranboo had easily gotten so close to Tubbo.

But of course, when they came to her and Tubbo about his biggest secret, she accepted him with open arms.

His name wasn't always Ranboo, he changed it when he decided he didn't want to be a boy. They felt 'Ranboo' fit them better. So they asked everybody to refer to them as such. He said his pronouns are he/they and Dream made it clear that if you didn't accept that, he wouldn't accept your presence near them. Dream was very supportive of Ranboo, as a brother should be.

"I will accept you no matter what, I don't care about your gender, sexuality, whatever. I love you."

Clementine didn't know why but she wished the same thing had been said to her.

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