Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc: Another ending

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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - alternative ending where the survivors learn they're in a tv show, just like in V3

As Requested by: @/princeasimdiya12 on tumblr

This is an alternative ending where the original 6 survivors of the franchise have to cope with the fact that they're all fictional characters in a tv-show.

Warnings: Cursing, anything that may be triggering in the OG game might be here, so read with caution

I tried my best with this, and I really enjoyed writing it. I hope whoever reads this may enjoy it. I am uncertain if this is completely what was expected, but this is my interpretation<3

Junko Enoshima had just been revealed as the mastermind and the ultimate despair. Everyone felt shivers going down their spines, as they saw the true face of who had put them through hell, but the worst was yet to come.

Then the truth was revealed. Of course, they should have had a tiny clue. The cameras, the way Monokuma always seemed to be referring to a larger audience. They were the first generation of many to be put on a tv-show about a killing game. They weren't even forced to participate, they came there by choice. Their current personas were fictional, in reality they were just normal people.

"I, Byakuya Togami refuse to believe this! That I am a mere nobody? Good one Junko." the tall blonde man said with an ever so confident grin on his face.

"Yeah, there's just no way!" Aoi Asahina exclaimed with her arms crossed.

The Ultimate Despair just laughed at them as she changed her stance once again.

"Huh, ya don't believe me? Want some fuckin' proof?" She said in a raunchy tone. As if on cue, a tv screen appeared before them.

What, or rather who appeared on the screen was Makoto Naegi. He was talking to a man, whose back was turned towards the camera.

"Do you consent to the contract, knowing the risks involved?" the mysterious man said.

The Makoto on the screen nodded firmly. He stood there stunned as he saw his former self consent to the unimagineable. This had to be edited, right? Yet deep down, he knew it wasn't.

The next person to appear on the screen was Yasuhiro Hagakure. He was asked the same question and also agreed.

"This has to be fake dude. It's edited or something." he laughed nervously.

Junko once again switched up her posture.

"Does it fill you with despair? To know you consented to see each other be killed?" She said in a cutesy voice.

So, the videos continued, it showed them all consenting to be on the show. Somehow, they all still remained ignorant, but not for long. Makoto's eyes lit up. A lightbulb might as well have appeared above his head.

"I may know a way to confirm if it's all true. If we're really all nobodies. There is someone here who doesn't share our memories. So maybe *she* knows?" Makoto exclaimed looking at Toko Fukawa.

She shook her head and even shivered at the thought of having her take over. Deep down, part of it was that she didn't want to know the truth. She had already felt enough despair.

"Switch, now." Byakuya exclaimed in a stern tone.

With that, Toko sneezed and switched to her alter, Genocide Jill. Everyone looked paler than ever while waiting for the killer to open her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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