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I parked my car and pounded on their front door until Gloria answered it..I slugged her in her stomach and she went down. Kiki came to help her up and Kiki yelled at me and I told them both to fuck themselves and left.

I drove home crying thinking Gloria should of told me.

Babe let's get you inside. Kiki she hasn't been that pissed at me in years. The last time she hit me was when I cheated on her when we were married and I got Vincent's step daughter pregnant with my beloved Olivia.

Let's get you on the couch. 
Babe it's already bruising.  Kiki we should of told people sooner to prevent alot of this heartache . Gloria what is done is done. We just have to ride it out. It's dinner time let's just make some salmon with dirty rice and green salad  .I need a beer too one with alcohol. Okay one only. Yes sweetie.

I knew my wife was stressed and haven't seen her this way in years.

Baby girl dad just leave it alone and please go home and take mom with you. I understand but we're both hurt and now my wife is hurt . She is home finally in the guest room. DAD YOU WILL ONLY MAKW IT WORSE.  SO MUCH FOR BEING GRATEFUL WITH AUNTIES GETTING LOST PHOTOS.  IF I WOULD KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT AND JUST ASKED YOU ALONE ,ALL OF THIS COULD BE AVOIDED.  I HAVE AN ERRAND TO RUN.  Francisco just let her work it out with her wife. Laura you were right I should of told her a long time ago. She kept Gloria's secret all these years as well as June . It's the other stuff that bothered them both. 
Avery backed out and left than we left her home.
I drove back to my aunts home.

I got out and rang the door bell instead of using the house key

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I got out and rang the door bell instead of using the house key.
My aunt Maura opened the door and let me in. She slapped me and this hurt not from the pain but from the action.  My aunts have never hit me.

I know I was wrong how is she ? Hurt mentally more so than physically. She is in the fitness room. Thanks Auntie Maura.

I hugged my aunt and she reciprocated my hug.

My aunt was cooling down drinking water and unwrapping her wrists and removed the gloves

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My aunt was cooling down drinking water and unwrapping her wrists and removed the gloves.

Auntie I am sorry for getting angry and shoving you. I know you are baby girl. We should of told you, June and the other spouses sooner. Why didn't you? Because the look of disappointment on your face as you have now. I contacted the clients and told them I needed a few weeks off and that you and the others would oversee the case  .Wilcox and Rainer declined and looking for representation elsewhere.  How's June? She is in the other guest room and won't talk to me. Dad and mom came to try to mend things and I told dad to leave it alone and both of them. Mom understands but dad is being a Rizzoli wanting to fix it.  How's your back? Bruised and sore.  Please forgive me. Sweetheart I do.  Who slapped your face? Auntie Maura did for shoving you and acting like q child. I see. I am sorry my wife felt the need to do that.

We hugged one another already.

It hurt but from the pain but the action.
.This was the first time any relative has hit me besides Olivia and Julianne. I miss her so much. I miss my daughter too and my niece-Olivia.


We got a glass of wine and took it outside where my aunt Maura was at.  We asked her to come in so we could watch a movie together. We later got 11In their bed and snuggle up together like they used to.

Avery and the two of drank our wine .The three or is slept until the morning cuddling one another. I made breakfast for J and I

He than left for home.

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