26. water fountain.

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LOLA WAS sat in the middle of her bed with her legs brought up to her chest, tears streaming down her face and numerous scrunched up piece of tissues surrounding her. She tried to stop her sobbing, not wanting to cry over someone she was never dating, but she couldn't help it. Everything felt different with him, she thought they could've worked out, but now she feels played and used. 

The knock at her door brought her away from her thoughts, her cries stopping completely and freezing in her spot. Lola quickly wiped her tears away with a tissue and cleared her throat before answering, trying her best to not let her voice shake.

"Yeah?" Lola answered, coughing to hide the fact her voice had gone down a few octaves due to crying.

"Can I come in?" Izzy's voice asked softly from the other side of the door.

"No. I look like a mess." Lola fell back onto her bed, laying on her back sighing.

"Lola..." Izzy also sighed. "I don't care if you look like a mess, I just care that you're okay."

"I'm fine." Lola frowned as her heart broke even more at Izzy's words.

"No you're not." Izzy ran a hand through his hair and entered Lola's room. Lola's eyes widened the slightest bit, she then quickly turned to her side with her back to Izzy and hid her face in her pillows, wanting to hide her mascara and tear-stained face from the boy.

Lola felt the bed dip, meaning Izzy was sat next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. "Come here."

"No." Lola's muffled voice sniffled.

Izzy shook his head slightly with a small crooked smile, letting out a breathless chuckle. "Sugar, if this is about you looking like a mess, trust me when I say that doesn't bother me. You could have clown makeup all over your face, not showered for a week, wearing a trash bag as a dress, and you'd still be the most beautiful girl."

Lola let out an unintentional laugh into her pillow, automatically bringing a smile to Izzy's face. "Now, come here."

Lola tried to hide her smile as she sat up, looking into Izzy's eyes. In Lola's opinion, she was the worst she had ever looked. Her hair was knotted and looked matted, the tear stains on her face were obvious, along with the dark black mascara that was under her eyes, her nose was bright red and stuffy, her cheeks rosy too.

Izzy fully laid on Lola's bed, reaching his left arm out so she could lean into him. And that's what she did, she laid in his arms with her head resting on his chest, focusing on his heartbeat to try and distract herself.

"How long?" Lola questioned with no emotion.

Izzy sighed as he started to draw circles on her arm with his thumb, "it wasn't while you first started getting close to him, if that's what you're wondering."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Lola moved her head to look at Izzy, staring into his green-brown eyes.

"I found out the day before I left Lafayette. He told me he was gonna tell you, but obviously he didn't." He frowned, staring back into Lola's dark brown eyes. Lola let out a quiet hum mixed with a sigh, then deciding to get up and move in front of her mirror to fix her appearance. Afterward, she went back to lying on her bed in the original position she was in.

"Hey fuckers." Slash greeted as he and Steven walked into Lola's bedroom.

"Hey." Lola and Izzy replied in unison. Steven and Slash sat at the end of Lola's bed, Steven with his legs crossed and Slash with his legs hanging off the edge, the both of them facing Lola and Izzy.

"Good boy." Slash nodded at Izzy as he placed his backpack in the middle of the bed.

"What?" Izzy asked with his eyebrows raised, taken aback.

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