chapter five

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goddd, that smirk.

i swear to god i couldve ripped my seatbelt off and climbed into his lap right then and there.

he started the car, and we began driving. i crossed my legs, and bit my lip looking out the window at the thought of him.

i could barely even take it anymore. how am i going to last staying with him?

i was with jason for six years. he was the first guy i'd ever been with and even he never made me feel like this. wyatt and i hadn't even kissed and he made my insides feel like they were on fire.

i just need to remind myself, he's a dick.

"we've got some fencing to do, when we get home. i'll let you get changed and stuff while i get the pickets and wire and things." wyatt spoke up.

i felt my cheeks heat up, merely at the sound of his voice. i just nodded my head and kept my eyes locked on the paddocks we were passing.

"bit hot, are you ashlynn?" wyatt chuckled, obviously noticing my cheeks.

i looked over at him, and he was smirking, once again. i rolled my eyes at him and flicked my gaze back out the window.

soon, we pulled up in front of wyatts gate. i went to open my door to get the gate, but wyatt said, "here, you'll need the key. i locked it on the way out."

i reached over to grab the key from his hand, but he didnt let go of it. i looked up at him, and my eyes met his. his were dark, and he stared deep into mine. our faces were quite close, and i felt my cheeks heat up again.

his hand reached up, and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. his mouth moved closer to my ear, and he whispered "do i make you nervous, darlin'?"

his voice was so low and husky, i arched my back ever so slightly, and felt goosebumps covering my neck.

i swallowed, and cleared my throat. i snatched the keys from his hand, moving back to open the door.

"i'm not your darling, wyatt." i said as i jumped out of his ridiculously high ute, and began walking to the gate.

i felt his eyes on me as i walked, so i dropped the key in the mud, bending over to retrieve it. mind you, i was wearing a dress.

i didn't look back, but after i opened the gate, i saw his face was buried in his hands.

two can play the teasing game, wyatt becking.

he was making it hard for me to resist him, and i knew he was doing it on purpose.

we drove up to the shed, and i climbed out, grabbing my things. i didnt bother talking to wyatt, or even glancing at him. he tossed the house key at me, and i made my way to the front door.

wyatt's house was built with dark bricks. he had a big dark wooden door too. everything in his house was quite dark actually. dark reddish tiles in the kitchen and lounge room. dark carpet. dark leather couches. it was quite fitting to him though.

not that he was all doom and gloom, but the dark homey feel of his house perfectly summed up his personality too. i walked down the hall to wyatts bedroom. i guess i would be staying here for a while?

i'll offer him the bed tonight. but for now ill leave my things in his room. i threw my bag down on the floor, and my new clothes on his bed. i slipped into my new jeans, work shirt and boots.

i wore a blue shirt, to match my boots.

it also matched my bra and g string, but that's irrelevant.

i made my way back out of the house to the shed.

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