🐏✨~°♡Black Sheep♡°~✨🐏

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The imagina-sphere is practically endless, a universe filled with countless worlds, brimming with imagination and joy in abundance... our story begins in a world almost in the center of it all, in a small village.

A wonderful, happy bright place, where everyone creates and is in harmony with one another... almost everyone, despite a village being nice, they still carried judgment.

The village square was a bit lively today, with people walking around and having a good time chatting, hanging out and looking around at the scenery and taking in what others might be doing. Amongst all the sack-folk, was a tartan pattern sackman making his way to the fountain. His tail swishing around lowly behind him, as his feet made hard "clop clop" sounds as he walked.
He approached the fountain and took a seat on it, looking into water and seeing what's in the fountain today.
While looking it's obvious he noticed his own reflection in the water. Long pointy horns, red hair styled Mohawk, eyes of a goat, with a couple of lip piercings. He was a sore thumb in the village, he stuck out. He was created awhile ago, being a bit older for most of the residents here in the village.

Why this is no other then Dutch Fiddlehorn. A sack-folk, though some don't believe him.
Alot of the villagers here tend to not include him in matters, being discreet and quiet about any sort of attention going on.

Dutch pulled his paper bag lunch onto his lap, getting ready to enjoy lunch on a beautiful day by the sounds of water, when a villager with white and light gray stripes, with a propeller hat approached him, Dutch raised a brow.
"Hey, Mr. Goat?"
Already Dutch frowned at the stranger for the name. "Why do you look like the way you do?" The stranger gestured to his horns and eyes.
"Yknow.. I think your parents said the same thing about you when you came into the world."
Dutch replied in a cold manner.
"That doesn't answer my question."
Dutch rolled his eyes. "What am I suppose to explain to you? I was born looking this way." Dutch answered. The stranger tilted his head with a smug expression. "Even with the red hair, goat?" He asked.
Dutch let out a short, frustrated groan. "I'm sorry- do you need anything? I'm trying to enjoy my day here and each my lunch."

"Oh, well, simply we don't need to see the freakshow trying to eat his weird snacks. So can you move that somewhere else?"
Dutch looked at the stranger in angry disbelief. "So you want me to move.. because I'm making you, and whoever else's day, uncomfortable?"
Dutch lift a brow. "See? Now your getting it! Knew you had some brains in that big ol stuffed head of yours!" He insulted.

Annoyed, Dutch didn't want to give whoever this stranger was, anymore of his breathe. He continued on about his lunch, digging through his bag and pulling out a square piece of banana nut bread, and an apple soda. The stranger crossed his arms and still looked at him, waiting for him to move. Dutch took a bite out of the loaf.
"...uhm.. hello? Move it along, bud." The stranger made a shoo'ing motion. Dutch ignored, continuing his lunch like the guy didn't exist.

"I said- Move it along!"
Unexpectedly, Dutch was suddenly pushed into the fountain, everyone in the village square stopped and all turn their heads and gawked at the commotion, Dutch raised from the fountains water, soaked from bottom to top, the stranger started to laugh at him. Then soon, others around started to giggle, chuckle, Laugh, at him.
Dutch hastily tried to leave the fountain but tripped on his way out, which erupted into more laughter as he quickly got up and started to quickly walk off.

As the laughter became distant and cannot be heard by Dutch, he was slowly making his way back home to change, he was soaking wet, and cold. He was hugging himself with his tail drooped low.
He felt miserable. "Never again.. I'm not going back to that fountain anytime soon.. damn kids.. damn everyone- every single sa-"
Dutch's train of thought was interrupted by a cough, like someone clearing their throat, he turned his head, expecting another to ridicule him, reduce his feelings to nothing.
He was pleasantly happy when he saw none other, then the village's hero, Sackboy.
"Oh, good afternoon Sackboy." Dutch greeted. Sackboy waved, he doesn't talk but Dutch and pretty much everyone else can understand him just fine.
Sackboy tilted his head, looking a bit confused. "Hm? Oh, well I accidentally fell into the fountain trying to eat lunch on this lovely day." He lied, he feels like he can handle his own. He doesn't want things to get unnecessary worse.
Sackboy shook his head, with a frown.
"Just a bit out of it today my boy. Just gonna head home and dry off." Dutch pointed to the direction of his house. Sackboy smiled, he put his hands on his stomach, and did a circle motion.
"Oohhh so some lil sack-dude knows I baked a Banana loaf last night huh?" Dutch smiled, chuckling. Sackboy nods excitedly.

"Well.. since you asked so nicely.. I don't see why I can't give you some." Dutch said. The lil Sackboy couldn't be more ecstatic as he runs odd ahead. "Damn every sack-person! Except Sackboy." Dutch sped up his walking pace and soon was there to his house, he unlocked it and looked at Sackboy standing right next to him. "Wait out here. I'll give ya some of loaf when I get out of these wet, cold clothes." He explained, then closed the door.
Dutch set his wet coat on a chair to dry, and then walked to the ladder that leads up to his loft, he climbs up into his loft and proceeds to change into something warm, simple pajamas and slippers. Once he's done, he climbs down and goes into the kitchen and unwrap the banana nut bread, and feeling a bit generous, he cuts Sackboy a big portion of the loaf and puts it in a baggie. He opens the door and felt small relief when he saw Sackboy waiting.
"Thanks for being patient. Here you go." Dutch hands Sackboy the bag, and Sackboy smiled wide. "Your welcome lil bro."
A quick fist bump and he ran off. Probably to talk with all the people he made friends with, hell who isn't he friends with? Dutch shut the door and crawled into his loft and got into bed, melting into it. He was feeling the usual sadness again, he takes deep breathes as he lies still. "Tomorrow is a new day.. a new opportunity.." He told himself, closing his eyes, letting his thoughts swim around until they still, and then falling asleep.

He's swimming in a dark, navy blue ocean of water, he can barely keep his head up as the waves try to swallow him under, he feels cold, freezing cold... up in the sky, all he can hear is laughter, laughter getting more and more intense, feeling like he can be helped but they're amused by his struggle.

"They won't come to your aid..."

He looks up but is immediately pushed down by another wave, he swims back up to the surface, barely catching air as he's being tossed around by the brutal storm.

"But, I will. All you got to do..."

Dutch was once again pushed under by a large wave, and slowly sinking as it grew more darker, away from the glowing sky.

"Is ask."

Dutch quickly sat up, awaking in fear as he thought he suddenly couldn't breathe. His breathing was heavy. It was very late at night. His body was on fire yet he felt chills, he was shaky yet still. The one thing on his mind is... who was that voice? He's not familiar with anyone he knows with that kind of voice.

What does this voice mean
by.. "ask"?

[End of Chapter 1]
[Thank you for reading the first chapter- if I have the motivation. I might make more. Any support is appreciated. <3]

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