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i want to know her favorite song,
i want to know her least favorite,
i want to know the first thing she thinks about when she wakes up and the last thing when she goes to sleep,
i want to know her mother's name and i want to meet her and shake her hand,
i want to know her address,
i want to know how big her kitchen is, i want her to tell me about what kind of sweet she baked at 3 am last night,
i want to know if she ate anything yesterday,
i want to know her favorite shade of lipstick,
i want to know why she hates her hair so much when it's curly and i want to know why she doesn't believe me when i tell her it looks good,
i want to know what she's thinking about when she goes quiet,
i want to know why she likes to be around me when no one else does,

i want to know everything about her and i want her to know that i want to know.

-please let me know you


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