dance studio/ packing #38

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Andi p.o.v.

I woke up I heard the shower oni just assumed it was catherine, I looked to my right, hannahs covers were all puffed up she must be sleeping in a weird way, "hannah you better get up well need to go soon" I said, I got no realy, "hannah your goimg to have to get up sooner or later" I got out of my bed to go pull th covers of, "who are you talking to" I was hannah she was in the shower, "I was talking to you but you werent there haha" I couldnt stop laughing, "wait why are you up this early I asked, "well fawlks wouldnt stop barking at 8 so I let them all out the back and then I couldnt sleep after that" hannah explained,  I had a quick shower and pit my sweat pants on, I just left my hair naturally curly from the shower and put it up in a high pony tail,

I went down stairs,  mum was setting out our cereal we were having granola and of course my mum put bits of strawberries through it I think she gave us more than 5, it was 11am and we were rady to leave mum was coming with us also because she had to learn her ques, dad was goimg to work on his new songs at the studio so he wasnt coming with us, we all got in the car my mum gave us all a banana to eat on the way, "mum see because you love me can we go ice skating at some point after that tv thing were doing" hannah asked, "why are you all of a sudden interested in skating" mum questioned, "its just catherines a trained skater and shes going to teach me and andi some stuff so please..." we begged, "fine take your gran im sure she would love ice skating" mum said, "so cat are you excited to perform there will be lots of people there so you need to be prepared" I said,  "yeah im really excited I think after this performance ill stick to my ice skating " catherine laughed so hard she was almost sick, "oops" haha we all laughed, we arrived at the studio,

When we went in everyone was going over the new dance for hands on me, there seemed to be a few lifts in the dance so I was a bit nervouse walking in, "ok ariana you will in the middle and hannah and andi will be either side of you just behind you, mat will lift you and obviously brian and skot are paired up with the girls, catherine your just goimg to be one of the background dancers since its your first time ut you will have a bit with gary just behind ari so be prepared for that" nat said, nat was a good dance teacher but she was a bit strict at times, ok amd go, brian and skot started by lifting us both up, my mum would be dancing with mat right at the front of the stage with mat on a chair, well mat would be on the chair and mum would be dancing,  I was originally with brian at first but then after me and hannahs pirouettes we do I leap of the plat form of the stage and we get caught by each others partner, when we land we join in with the other dancers but down stage, thats when catherine and gary do their back hand springs together, then all the guys go off stage and get chairs and sit in a triangle,  whilst the girls do a quick 16 step solo, then we all strut up to the boys and do a bit of burlesque dancing, my mums in the middle and me and hannah are either side of her, and the other girls are behind us in a v shape, some perants arent ok with us doing burlesque on stage but its not really up to them what we can and can not do and presides its only dancing and entertainment purposes nothing bad,

We were almost done rehearsals my mum was just going over some more ques and then we could leave, tomorrow is new years and well be stuck in a plane, "have use packed yet" I ask hannah and cat, "no ill do it when I get home, same here" they both said, "are use ready" mum said, we got our stuff together and left,

We arrived home and dad was in he was fixing some stuff in the studio, "andi can you ask your father what he wants from the chippy" mum asked, I went up stairs and nocked the door, you always have to knock before going in just incase they are recording anything, "come in" I heard, "hey dad, whatnya doing" I sang, "nothing" he sang back, "mum asked what do you want from the chippy" I said, "eem a pizza crunch" he said winking at me, I kissed his cheack and left, I looked over the balcony,  "he wants a pizza crunch and I want a sausage super please" I said, my mum ordered dinner, I ran to my room,  hannah and cat were already packing, I got my suitcase from the cubered,  mine said AG on it hannahs said HG on it, "cool where did you get that done" we did it with this thing from a magazine, "if you want we could do it for you" I said,  "I dont want to be bothering use" cat said, "never ill do it when ive finished packing, we were only gong for 4 days, I took 3 jeans, 3 skirts, 2 boots, white vans, 2 bralets and 2 crop tops, I took 4 pairs of jammies and obviously my house coat and matching slippers, "thats me done, ill do your suit case now if you want" cat handed me over her suit case, I didnt have enough leters for her full name so I just pit C.A.T on it since that was her nick name well from me anyway, "thanks for doing that for me" she said, "dinner" I heard my mum shout,

We all raced down stairs even my dad, we never plated up a chippy there would be no point, we just ate it out the box or wrapper, "so honey what are you doing uo stairs" mum asked dad, "im fiximg a few somgs to make them better" dad said, "have use packed girls" mum asked, "yeah, we even decorated catherines suit case" I said, we had finished dinner, as usual mum sent us to bed she said that we had an early flight, I guess we did it is at 1pm and you need to be there a few hours earlier, I put my baggy top and shorts on because I had packed all my good jammys for going away, "see use in the morning" I said to the girls but they were already asleep so I joined them,

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