[1] Anger, Pain, and Death

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Meylin was furious. Her usually graceful and dignified aura was replaced with a gloomy aura of anger, sadness, and anxiety, her frustration couldn't be hidden no matter how calm she tried to look.

She grinded her teeth and clenched her fists, staring at an open yellow folder when a difficult to make out look in her eyes.

The man sitting on the couch opposite of her nervously kept his gaze off of her and the folder contents.

They are currently in Meylin's private office. Different from her work or home office, since only people she allowed could walk in or out. This place is the only room where she has some privacy.

Today wasn't going to be anything special, she was going to clean and make everything tidy. Cleaning helps her when she's nervous, and she has all the reasons to be when an important meeting is right around the corner.

However, Mr.Oher, the man sitting across from her, came by for a sudden visit.

Mr.Oher works with the newspaper and always has some information on big figures in the city. Meylin met him by accident, but they became friends quickly, before learning each other's identity. Mr.Oher ended up volunteering information that would help Meylin in business, while she basically gave him anything he'd ask for.

He didn't ask for as much as her family members did, so Meylin never considered his requests too big, even if they weren't small.

Now is another time he was giving free information, however, this wasn't asked for in any way. When he handed the folder over and warned Meylin she might be upset by the contents, she only smiled and didn't take it seriously. She's always had an incredibly high tolerance.

But, the various pictures of her husband and younger brother canoodling-holding hands, intimately hugging, passionately kissing-shocked her more than anything could.

She didn't show it in her eyes, which stared holes in the printed images, but Meylin truly wanted to cry and rage.

There was a moment of silence as she spread the pictures out. There are more than 10, some of them are clearly from a different day than the others. Each has her husband of 5 years, fiancee of 3 years, who she's been with since she was a child, looking at her younger, pampered brother, with a deep love that she's never seen before.

Her heart stalled, unable to understand why any of this would happen.

Her husband and her own brother?

What shitty fate is this?

How could either of them do this to her? Again!?

She finally spoke, but none of her feelings could be read from her tone, "What is this?"

It's so obvious, but she couldn't stop herself from asking. What did one of her closest friends just show her, like he was passing along some celebrity scandal? Why?

Mr.Oher glanced at her, but her eyes were still on the pictures. "A reason to file for divorce," he said quickly.

"You've been looking for one, haven't you?" He followed, but he seemed sure that she was.

"I didn't ask for this" Meylin didn't answer, but her tone changed. It wavered, slightly overcome by her frustration.

"I know, I'm sorry," Mr.Oher apologized, but he continued firmly, "but I can't watch this happen and not inform you. They aren't even hiding it!" He said resentfully.

That is what it looks like in some of the pictures. Where they're kissing or seeming suggestively close, they aren't in a private place, but completely in public. Meylin could even recognize some of the streets they walked, the same places she and other locals walked weekly.

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