what have you done ?!

22 1 8

    It was a Saturday afternoon. I was trying to calm my child down because she was crying so fucking loudly. Chandler, my husband and the father of this child, looked up from his phone at at me, "we should go to the river" he said as he showed me a picture on his phone of a river. It looked pretty peaceful. I decided we should take our infant, who we named Mia, to the river with us.

     We hopped in the car and went on a little road trip. Mia fell asleep and didn't wake up the whole way there. It took maybe 30 mins - 1 hour to get there? Idk I don't keep track of things. Chandler and I get out of the car and I get Mia out of the back seat. The second I picked her up she woke up and cried. I looked to chandler who was looking toward the sky "CHANDLER COME GET YOUR CHILD"  he looked back at me and said nothing. I handed Mia to him, "you have more experience. You handled like 14 judiths" I rolled my eyes as he giggled.

     We walked over to the river and  observed the nice view. We stood there for awhile, the river was flowing pretty fast and it was kinda loud. Mia was quiet. We finally had peace.

     That's when an Eagle came and flew right above our heads. I screamed, chandler ducked down and dropped Mia 😨. When the eagle was gone, I looked at chandler with fear. "Wheres Mia.. " Chandler looked back to me with complete and utter guilt, "I dropped her in the river. "

     "WHAT?! CHANDLER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" I panic and start sobbing violently. He hugs me and tries not to cry. I was mad at him but I didn't have the energy to push him away.


"WWAAAAAA" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my dad had just dropped me into a river ☹️ this is so tragic how will I ever find them again

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