Adrien & Lila Karma

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Location:Agreste House, Dinning Room
"I am glad you come today Mrs. Rossi so we can talk about my stuff n and your daughter" a cold Gabriel started.

"Me too Gabriel. I want to hear what you want to Lee me" reptiles Mrs. Rossi. That continued to talk until two people came into the room. It was their children. They looked scared and shocked. Why did they look that way?

"What wrong? What happened?" asked Gabriel. They went over to them. To check they weren't hurt. Gabriel didn't want to see his son hurt. As for Lila, she looked like a ghost.

"Turn on KIDZ+ now. You need to see what they're saying" a scared Adrien said. He can't believe what they're saying about the those two. Mrs. Rossi turned on the tv. The parents are both in shocked with what are seeing. It was Alec telling Adrien and Lila's secrets. Lila was exposed as a liar. As for Adrien he was exposed for nothing but being a bully and victim of sexual harassment.

"LILA ROSSI, YOU HAVE LOT OF EXPLAIN TO DO. WHY ARE YOU TELL LIES?" an angry Mrs. Rossi asked. Lila  looked down in angry. She was angry that her lies where exposed. Lila didn't know what to say.

"ADRIEN WHY HAVE BEEN BULLYING PEOPLE. ALSO WHY DIDN'T ME YOU HAD BEEN SEXUAL HARASSES" Shouted Gabriel. Gabriel didn't want his son to be hurt.

"I didn't know how to tell you farther. Plus, Lila was the one who was sexually harassed me" Adrien stated. Adrien wants to tell his dad but, didn't know if he would believe him. Though he wasn't happy we were exposed. He was happy that his dad know he was getting hurt.

"You can tell me anything. If Lila was hurting, you then I would fire her" Gabriel said. Gabriel huffed Adrien. It seems hd need needed some love. Thought Gabriel might be a super villain. He still cared about his son. Then their hugged was cut off by Mrs. Rossi.

"I am very sorry what t daughter has done. I will do anything to make up to you" a sad mother said. She was still in shock for what her daughter had done. Though she might understand why. She was busy all the time with work. She still makes sure to get her gifts and to make her food. Mrs. Rossi still loves her daughter.

"Pleas send your daughter back to Italy. Make sure she never goes to any school every again" a cold Gabriel demands. Mrs. Rossi nods her head as a yes. She grabbed her daughter and left Lila tried to let go.

"Mom let me go! Alec is lying. Please believe me" Lila begged. Lila was telling another lie. Alec was the one telling the truth. Lila needs everything back in her clutches. She wanted to queen of the school. Lila wanted power.

"Shut up brat. You keep your mouth shut. I am sending you back to Italy" her angry mom stated. Lila was still Shock. Mrs. Rossi went back to her home. Lila now knew she was in deep trouble. Now everyone will hate her. Worst of all her family will hate her the most. Lila screamed in her head.

Next was Alya and Nino was on Karma list. It seems karma came to town because that hurt Marinette.
Have fun with your karma Alya and Nino.

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