Music Sounds Better with You

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"Have you heard this one?"

"It sure does sound familiar."

Dusk on Mars, you and Spike were on the dock of the Bebop. With a little extra from the recent bounty, you had the long awaited opportunity of buying a brand new radio. Completed with a connected database of the biggest variety of music you had ever seen, the chance to listen to the music you wanted to was at your fingertips. Still, it was a bit painful to reminisce on the price. But who cares? You wanted this for a long time, and Spike was beyond thrilled when you wanted to share it with him.

"Hard to believe some of this came from before the Astral Gate." Spike said, nodding his head along to the beat. "You would think that all of it was lost to time."

"Whoever saved this one I hope is having the best time of their life. Or afterlife." You replied, smiling up at Spike. "They just don't make songs like they used to."

"Is that you, Jet?" Spike jeered, lightly tapping the small of your back with his foot. "Didn't take you much for an old soul."

"I got soul. And the blues too." You teased, relaxing as the melodic notes of the trumpet and tisk of the cymbals complimented each other rhythmically. "Do you, Spike?"

"More than you do." Spike sat next to you, letting the cool breeze of the night hit his face. "We rival each other in good taste, thats for sure."

"Can't disagree with that." You gave a small kiss on his cheek, leaning your head on your shoulder. "Did you ever listen to this kind of music when you were younger?"

"Raised on it. Morning, noon, night." Spike nodded slowly. "In a better sense, every kind of music was shown to me. Even as old as I am, there still a lot I haven't heard."

"Comforting." You replied, smiling blissfully.

As one song ended, there was a pause between the next song. For a brief moment, all you heard was the whistle of the wind and the sound of Spike's breathing. Offering your hand, Spike immediately took it into his own. A soft note took off, starting a great array of instruments. The gaze of your sweetheart was sensed, causing you to respond. "Something the matter?"

"You don't like country, do you?"

You snorted, laughing out loud. "Where did you get that from?"

Spike shrugged, chuckling. "Just a feeling, my great intuition told me."

"For your information, I can appreciate all kinds of music." You replied. "I think its just the message that depends."

"Oh, like what?"

"Oh you know. Like, is this a song about liking yourself? Or is it one about hating the world?" You sighed, thinking. "Shockingly, your mood can easily shift because of one song. Kind of messed up to see it happen."

"I see what you mean." Spike pondered. "You have to keep up with the beat."

"That's a good way to put it." You nodded. "Is it okay if I show you?"

Spike eyed you cautiously. "I hope you know that I can't cry." You scoffed.

"No, not like that." You flipped through the database on your holo-phone, searching for that one song. It was a melody so   special to you, it could only be played for special occasions like this. There was no vague, underlining theme in the lyrics. It just tells you flat out how they feel. It was something about this song that was so sweet, so sincere.

If you couldn't put it into words, this song would do it for you.

Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

Just like me, they long to be close to you

The song began, with a whistle coming from Spike. "Oh, this one." He said, a small smile on his face. "So you do want me to cry?"

You just laughed. "I guess what I can't say rightly, this would do it for me, you know?"

Why do star fall down from the sky?

Every time you walk by?

Just like me, they long to be close to you

"Its this next part that reminds me of you." You softly said.

On the day that you were born, the angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true. You felt Spike tense up underneath you, rising from his spot next to you. Your heart sank for a second, wondering if maybe he didn't like it or you went too far.

"Is something wrong-"

"Dance with me." Spike extended his hand, his gaze settled on you lovingly. You got up eagerly, your hand into Spike's. He pulled you close to him, his other on your back. It held on tightly, as if he was afraid to let you go. It could've looked cheesy from a far away glance, and so cliche. But just the way how he was looking at you was worth it. Eyes full of admiration and love.  If this was a chance to woo you, it worked.

You were all his.

"I got a feeling that you may like this song." You teased. Spike squeezed your hand, grinning. You both swayed back and forth to the gentle beat of the those classic trumpets and sentimental piano notes.

"No, really?" He replied, kissing your forehead. Oh, how you wanted him to do that again. "I see what you mean. I really do."

"Its beautiful. Reminds me of you a lot." You sighed. The amount of times you have had heard it before, hoping that one day, you would have the wonderful chance of being able to hear this song and think of somebody special. Words so sweetly spoken about the beauty of someone you loved, it could almost bring a tear to your eye.

"It would be a nice wedding song, wouldn't it?" Spike whispered to you, making you giggle.

"Without a doubt." You whispered back, giving a soft kiss on Spike's chin. Content and so in love, he rest his head on top of yours as the neared the end. There was no where else Spike would rather be. Music was the easiest way for him to communicate what his own words couldn't. He was so grateful a person like you could understand exactly what you meant.

"Do you want to play it again?"

"If it means I can stay in your arms just a little longer..then yes."

[A/N] this really was a nice little fic to just write. I've been cooking up something, and I will be announcing it soon! Catch me on tumblr and AO3 under the same names, where I will be uploading future updates and pieces. Thanks for reading!
(Pssst, song mentioned in this fic is "(They Long to Be) Close to You" by the Carpenters.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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Space Cowboy - Spike Spiegel x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now