My crazy Riddhu

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I didn't recheck it so pardon my mistakes and silent readers do vote

Read till last....

Here Vansh and Riddhima are cousins.... Riddhima is Vansh's maasi's daughter... Riddhima's mom died when she was born and her father died when she was only 2years old... Vansh and Riddhima stays at same home ....Vansh's mom dad Loves her as their own daughter

Riddhima is 18 years old and Vansh is 21 years old Riddhima is very innocent and Vansh is mature

Let's start,
Scene :1

Vansh's pov:

I was having my dinner when my cousin sister Riddhima came to me and what she said to me just shocked me

She said "Vansh bhaia propose me"

I asked her being shocked "what propose"

Pov ends..

R: My friend told me that "if we love someone then we should propose them... Today she also proposed her love "

R: And u also said me na that day that u love me then take this rose (giving him) and propose me

Vansh was feeling so embarrassing... He was looking at his mom and dad.. Then his father Ajay said him to propose Riddhima (for Riddhu's satisfaction )

Then Vansh proposed her and left the room

Vansh never scold Riddhu for anything bcz she lives with them from childhood and he knows that maybe now Riddhima is not child but her mind has not grown up...

He was thinking that he said her "I love you " as his little sister but he didn't know that today she will make him embarrass like this😑

Scene :2

Next day,

Vansh was watching TV with his parents when Riddhu came there and said him

R: bhaia today my friend's love called her as his "wife"...and u also love me na then from now u will also call me your "wife"

Vansh was feeling so embarrassing

And his parents were laughing

V(embarrass): Riddhu what are u saying

R: no no no... Bhaia plz u have to say this

Aj(teasingly): Aray Vansh say na.. She is your little sister na

V(defeated) : my dear wife how are you

Riddhima became so happy and Vansh left the room in anger bcz his parents were laughing like hell

And after that he went out... And from last 2days he didn't go to have his food with all... Bcz he can't take any risk now... Who knows when she come and ask him to do more weird things

Scene :3

After someday ,

Vansh was gossiping with some of his friends when he saw his "dear witch" (Riddhu) came to him

Vansh was thinking now which shock she will give me

R: Vansh my friend's love took her out and they had pani puri and ice cream ...and as you are my love so you will also take me out...we will have pani puri and ice cream

V( in mind) : at last in front of my friends she gave me another shock

Then without telling anything he held her hand and took her out and what she wanted to have he buy it for her

Now Vansh doesn't stay in home for much time bcz who knows when she comes to him and give another shock 🙂

Scene 4:

Today Vansh wake up from sleep but Riddhima didn't wake up yet

When Vansh saw that his parents were in dinning table so he also went there and sat...

He was thinking that before Riddhu wake up he will leave from here ...

Vansh's pov:

I was having my breakfast when from behind my wife opps my sister back hugged me and said "bhaia I have a surprise for you"

Now what she will do who knows ...she will give me surprise or shock I don't know

With a very fearful expression I asked her "what surprise ?"

Suddenly she held my neck and pulled me then her lips met with mine

My parents were looking at us with wide eyes

After sometime she left me...we both were panting ..

R(panting): Today my friend's love ones gave her surprise like this and as you are my love ones so I also gave you surprise like this

After that day, from 7days I don't go in front of my parents ....that day I got the most terrible surprise of my life 🙂I pray that even my enemies don't get surprise like this!

Scene :5

Vansh was using his mobile sitting in his room when his mother came

Vansh's pov:

Mom is not alone that witch cousin is also with her...after seeing them I am trying to escape can I escape from here?

That time Riddhima said me,

R: Bhaia today my friend told her love that she wants a baby... Now you also give me a baby ...I also want a baby, a cute baby

After listening her, I had no courage to stand in front of my mother and Left from there running ....never in my life I will talk to her in front of my parents

Scene :6

Today is Riddhima and Vansh's marriage night

Riddhima was sitting on Vansh's bed... Which is now of both of them..

Vansh entered inside and smirks...

V: Sweetheart now you are officially my wife... Now I can give you baby

Riddhima get shy and Vansh hoverd upon her

Baki k karname u all know 😌

Vansh and Riddhima got married after some years and in this years both fall in love with each other

So everyone I want to inform that this is not totally my idea... Bcz I read a story in fb which is in Bangla and I liked the concept so I write it from there and translate it in English and with Riansh... In some places I have written from me and scene :6 is written by me

Thank you ❤I hope u all liked it

And there are so many interesting stories are waiting for you guys... Just vote as much as you can then I will also upload them

Cover by : Sahni_2007

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