Best Friends

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Will wore a black T-shirt. It stuck to his body like cling-wrap, and his shorts were muddied under the dirt. His hair was messy and wet, his eyes gazed over the bank of Sattler's Quarry. The evening was quickly fading, and brash wind settled on his and Mike's skin, causing goosebumps to rise. Mike looked over at Will, a warmness in his heart as he examined his features. Slowly. Carefully. Like if he took a quick glance, he would disappear.Will's eyes still focused on the water, slowly rippling. Will's eyes were like that ripple. Not really blue, but not green, and not brown either, The hazel waters were as still and steady as Will's hazel eyes.

"Hey, uh. We should probably head back." Will turned, his voice startling Mike. Flinching, Mike nodded and cleared his throat, burying the moment in his chest. The boys stood up in unison, wiping the little rocks that stuck to them and wincing at the wind hitting their damp clothing. Mike's eyes met Will's again, and he felt the need to stare longer. As many times as he looked at Will, and it was a lot, he always felt himself returning to this habit. It almost felt as if he was searching for something in his eyes. Something that piqued his interest. The mix of green, blue and brown toyed with his emotions and reminded him of an oil pastel painting he'd seen Will paint before. "Messy, but beautiful." Will had said.

"What?" Will slightly chuckled, nervously moving his eyes around. Mike bit his lip. Another habit he picked up when he was around Will. He sighed, "Sorry. Uh- Let's just- Let's just go." Will nodded, and after some silence, they grabbed their bikes and headed back. The daylight was quickly fading, pink in the sky marbling into a dripping sherbet. This was the first time Mike and Will had hung out one-on-one since getting back to Hawkins. A strange experience, for sure. Awkward silence, lip biting, finger taps, apologies. It was like they were strangers. They didn't know how to talk to each other anymore.

This made Mike sad, realizing that the breaking of their friendship was because of him. A whole year, 12 months and Mike didn't send a single letter. Not one "Hey, how are you?", not one "Miss you.", not one "Hello." not even a "Goodbye." And it's not like Mike hadn't tried to write. Because he did. His trashcan was an evident sign of his attempts. Sure, Will hadn't written either. But Mike didn't blame him for that. He understood why Will wouldn't want to. Why Will would rather not talk to him. Push him away. But Mike- he needed to. There was no reason he shouldn't have reached out. But, he just couldn't. It was different now. It was strange, unfamiliar.

We used to be best friends!

"Mike?" Will's voice echoed in the night. Mike turned and looked at him. They'd been pedaling for maybe five minutes. Mike felt stupid for ignoring him. His mind just wandered sometimes. Especially around Will. He sensed a pattern. "Yeah?" He cleared his throat. Will stared back, and then shook his head, dismissing whatever thought he had, "Nevermind." Will's hazel eyes darkened. Mike sighed quietly and focused on the road in front of him. Hawkins was always empty now. It was empty before, but now it was desolate. One disaster away from a ghost town.

He felt bad for the families, wanting a fresh start. He felt bad for Holly, Erica, everyone who thought their town was safe.The kids who were starting middle school, playing games with their friends and enjoying their childhood when everything happened. He was one of those kids before. It felt like a long time ago, almost like the memories that were stored in Mike's mind weren't his. He remembered Will's now memories. We wondered if that was similar to what he felt. Surely, it couldnt be. And honestly, Mike should stop comparing his trauma to others. What was his trauma? Losing Will for the first time? And the second? And the third? If that was the case, he couldn't lose him again. He had to hold him tight, spend as much time as he had with him, especially under the circumstances they were in. Vecna/01/Henry could attack at any time. Will was in danger. And with Max in the hospital, and Eddie dead, Mike was afraid of what could happen to Will. He cared. So much. Too much, Mike thought. Was that the reason he kept pushing Will away?

"Will." Mike started this time. They were a couple feet away from The Wheeler's house. Why did it have to be here that he talked to him? Will stopped biking, and turned his head to Mike. The clouds had rolled away from the skyline and darkness gradually entered the atmosphere. Moonlight shone on Will's face, heightening the expression it held. The tension was palpable, and Mike's mouth felt as dry as a California summer. Will widened his eyes, waiting for Mike to speak. He was here. He was listening. Mike tightened his grip on the bike handles and let out a sigh. It traveled into the air, and floated away out of sight.

"I'm sorry, Will." Were the words that escaped Mike's mouth. True, genuine words. Will was almost taken back by it. "S-Sorry? Why-" Will's breath clouded his face. Goosebumps pricked at their skin at the cold, and Mike turned his head to his house, motioning him inside. They laid their bikes on the dewy grass by Mike's garage, and Mike put his arm around Will. Something he'd done when they were little. Back then, it was a reflex. Now, it meant something. Will felt tense under his touch.


The two boys walked into Mike's house, immediately welcomed by the intense warmth that resided there. The house was void of people. Probably all busy at the help center. They didn't notice. Mike's arm left Will's as they approached Mike's room. It was messier than Will remembered. Some things were different. The bed was on a different wall, he had a guitar now. And another thing stuck out. The 'one way' sign that pointed into Mike's closet. It would have seemed ironic, if it weren't for the fact that Mike was definitely straight. He had almost rubbed his nose in to that fact.

I feel like my life started the day we found you in the woods.

Mike didn't care. So why did it seem like he did now? What changed? Will awkwardly took a seat on Mike's bed, patting the texture of the sheets cause he didn't know what else to do with his hands. Mike took it as an invite to sit next to him. Will scooted away slightly, trying to place at least a little space between them so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable. Will was scared he would say something he didn't want to tonight. It was almost like there was no barrier keeping those three words out, yet Will had kept his composure somehow.

"You-You said you were sorry?" Will gulped, placing his hands in his lap. Mike stared him in his eyes again, and they dipped down a bit, before returning back up. God, Mike did that a lot. Will wondered if it was a nervous thing, or impulse, or- Will didn't know what it was. But what he did know, is that everytime Mike did it, it sent shock signals down Will's body. Butterflies fluttered in his chest, but he pushed them away quickly, remembering what was happening.

"Yeah, I. am sorry." Will sighed, frustrated at Mike's inability to get straight to the point while talking about something. That was something that didn't change throughout the years. "You're sorry. Sorry for?" Will asked, although he knew. And some part of him wanted to pretend he didn't know. He wanted Mike to beg for his forgiveness, but Will- Will couldn't do that. Will was kind. He was sweet, warm. So Will looked back at Mike with hope in his eyes. Hope that something had changed in Mike. Like a switch had gone off. He thought it had.

"Will, I should have written to you." Yeah, you should have. Will rolled his eyes in his head, mentally slapping himself in the face for keeping Mike in his life after how much hurt he had caused him. But he couldn't help it. "No, It's not your fault. I didn't write either. It's fine, Mike. Really." It wasn't fine. Mike's eyes looked hurt somehow. Certainly not from what Will had said, right? That would be a turn. Mike shook his head, and balled his left hand into a fist, pressing it down awkwardly on his jeans. Will thinks he was just nervous. Nervous, but why?

"Will, I should be the one apologizing." "You are." Will said, unaware of the snarky tone that came with his words. He felt the need to say sorry. But he remembered what Mike said, and remembered the small wish he kept buried inside. He wished he would apologize. Everyday, for the rest of their lives. Even if the rest of their lives were just till the end of the week.

"I have been such a jerk to you, Will. And you- you don't deserve that. At all. It feels like we aren't as close anymore." Really?Will sarcastically thought. Will nodded softly, listening. "And- I want to be close again. I want to be your friend. Your best friend." Will felt relieved, yet saddened. Was best friends as far as they could go? But at this point, anything would be a step up from where they were right now, so Will smiled. And Mike smiled back. And then Mike did something Will did not expect. Mike held his hand.

Thank you for reading! It's been a while since i uploaded on Wattpad and I want to do it more often. Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments!

-Milo <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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