Chapter IIII

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I clean up my cut that Chloe made. I look in the mirror and whimper noticing my appearance and how much is has changed since the beginning of all this. I look older my hairs longer I have a scar on my face and a black eye. I have been beat up before but not this bad, I am ashamed sometimes but than realize I've killed those who deserve it. I put my jacket back on and go downstairs. "i don't want to make dinner can we go out too eat?" Chloe grabs her pocket knife "sure but I'm not that hungry" I nod and grab the keys to my car. "i don't want you too drive" Chloe says "Well I want too" I say and regret it as soon as Chloe takes my arm and bends it behind me making me scream in pain causing her to laugh. "fine you can drive" i say giving her the keys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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