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Stars flickered in the deep red sky looming over a kingdom of pitch black, towers standing inside as the highest point shined with light. Pidgeots curled into their nests and rattatas scowled.

Near the rim of the kingdom walked a lone patroller, her midnight pelt tinted by the moonless night, spotted with star-like dots down her back. Her ears twitched to the slightest sound and her eyes followed diligently. She stepped over hedges and branches, making sharp turns near tree trunks.

The further she got, the more the fire-lit towers faded out of view until she reached a tiny tunnel covered in leaves and squirmed her way through kicking foliage back to bar it from sight again.

The light ran dim, the tunnel being a blind walk into darkness to the finish, and the only indicator being the luminescent blonde half moon markings along her body reflecting down the path as slight trickles and cracks echoed as pebbles crumbled down.

Eventually moonlight shone onto her face, her pace increasing until she rocketed out into the open breathing hesitantly before catching herself, calming down and forcing her paw forwards to trek further down the route.

She trotted outside the borders, fences decorated with slightly stained spikes glaring down at her as she left them. She lingered shortly to check the outskirts to make sure before continuing down.

However a figure approached her, stopping the patroller in her tracks as her fur stood up and her pupils sharpened. She took seconds to further make out the shape, being pointing and tall.

Soon a small rumble ran up her throat before she spoke up.

"Who dares approach Lunar Kingdom territory,"

Silence ran through the forest as the figure stopped, yet soon they stood into the light. They had pale flaxen brown fur tied into a ponytail with her carob brown body exposed to the moon.

Their yellow eyes glared at the patroller before they calmed with realization.

"Moonbabble for Arceus' sake you scared me," They said.

The patroller reared her head, someone she knew, she didn't talk to anyone outside of the kingdom aside from her associates, so they couldn't possibly be harmful.

She took a closer step, the figure revealing to be a young female Shiftry, around a middle age.

"Pitcher is it?" Moonbabble replied, "And as if you didn't scare me first,"

Pitcher scoffed, "You aren't making this a contest are you,"

"Bold of you to assume I wanted to start one in the first place," She smirked.

Pitcher nodded.

"Besides, what are you doing back so early, shouldn't you still be out,"

"Last minute change, captain wanted you out tonight,"

Moonbabble sworn under her breath, of course that slyfang prick put me under a blood moon, I swear he wants to kill me, she thought.

"Well thank you for letting me know," She grunted.

"No problem, remember if you want to switch just tell me,"

"Thanks but I got this,"

She grew distant, the Shiftry disappearing as orange tree tops waved behind her. Soon it became more dark, as the winds pushed against her fur. Now more into the wilderness she heard the stray noises of chirps, chips of wood, scuttling legs and hungry chicks. A few normal bugs clinged onto bark soon snatched up by Pokemon both insect and bird.

She anxiously glanced at her surroundings, turning around once in a while. Sometimes she would even look up to the stars to tell time, the sky barely changing every time.

Kingdom of Pokemon Chronicles: CherrygroveWhere stories live. Discover now