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The Grim Reaper's:

Kira: leader and assassin

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Kira: leader and assassin.

Age: 16

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: cold hearted to everyone but her team and people she respects. Loves her team like family. Hates police, rapists, murderers, abusers and drug dealers.

Likes/loves: the blood demons leader, Blood, Death and her family.

Dating: no one yet.

Luna: get way driver and assassin

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Luna: get way driver and assassin.

Age: 18

Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: acts younger then her age unless on jobs. Hate people that hurt her family. Loves her family and can act like its natural.

Likes/loves: her family, acting, working on cars and blood.

Dating: no one yet.

Bella: assassin and clothes designers/maker

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Bella: assassin and clothes designers/maker.

Age: 16

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: doesn't trust anyone but her family. Rule breaker. Bad girl player for info and doesn't listen to anyone but her family.

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