A Favor

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We had been back from out honeymoon for about 2 weeks and things had been so tense with me and Lloyd since. The minute we got back he got me a new phone but I knew he was monitoring it. Right now I was using it as a timer as I sat on the edge of the tub with the door closed looking at the pregnancy test on the sink counter just waiting to get the results. Lloyd insisted sex on our honeymoon took and forced a test into my hand that morning, I prayed for it to be negative, I didn't want a baby with this version of Lloyd. I heard my timer go off and I groaned and stood up grabbed the test with my eyes closed. When I opened them I let out a sigh of relief and tried to hide the small on my face.

"Cupcake..." Lloyd said and I sighed and tried to look disappointed. I opened the bathroom door.

"Negative." I said and he rushed up to me and grabbed the test from me. He looked for himself and punched the bathroom door leaving a huge crack in it.

"What are you doing?! This has to be on you!" Lloyd said looking at me and I laughed.

"Not me Lloyd! I have been checked and I was told I'm healthy." I said and then I thought of something. "Maybe you should get your little swimmers checked." I said and he turned to look at me with darkness in his eyes.

"What did you just say?" Lloyd asked.

"Just a suggestion. Some of those pants you wear are a little tight. Just trying to help out the situation here." I said and Lloyd gripped my chin.

"My swimmers are just fine cupcake. Don't fucking mention that again!" Lloyd said, released my chin and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm going into the office, I'll be back when I'm back!" Lloyd yelled as he left the room and I gave a sigh of relief when I heard him leave. I sighed and went to the bed and grabbed my spare phone from under the bed lock box.

JOVI: Meet me at the usual spot.

COURT: Is it safe?

JOVI: I think so, he went to the office.

COURT: 20 minutes.

I left and got in the car driving to the old fishing cabin that Davis used to own making sure I wasn't followed and I had already checked my car for tracker, every day. I was sitting out on the fishing dock with my feet dangling in the water.

"You know it would be easy for someone to come up behind you and shoot you dead." I heard Court say. I just shrugged as he walked down the dock.

"At this point, to get me out of my marriage I would take it." I said and Court sighed.

"That bad?" Court asked sitting beside me.

"Well he didn't like I was talking to you and threw my phone in the ocean and pushing me over the balcony on the deck on vacation. Then strangled me. Then punched a crack in the bathroom door this morning when the pregnancy test came back negative." I said and he groaned as I put my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

"You are strong Jovi, you got to fight back." Court said and I nodded.

"I know but this isn't why I called you out here. I wanted to see if you had anymore intel on mystery man." I said and he sighed and pulled a file from his jacket. I lifted my head up and I looked through the papers and there was nothing on them. "This is shit Court!" I said.

"What do you want from me Jovi! The man doesn't exist in any system! I can't pull shit out of thin air." Court said and I groaned handing him back the file. My cellphone started ringing in my pocket. It was Claire.

"I thought your phone was in the ocean?" Court asked and I smiled at him.

"This is my new one he monitors." I said and Court groaned. "Hey Silver Bird." I said answering the phone.

"Jo, Uncle Donald left for a job 3 days ago and Aunt Melanie has to go check on her sister and I have nowhere to go." Claire said and I sighed.

"Okay I'm a little far away now but I will talk to Lloyd about sending an assistant to get you." I said.

"Okay! I will Aunt Melanie know." Claire said and I smiled.

"Hey, where did my dad have to go for a job?" I asked and Court looked at me confused.

"He didn't say just said he would be out of the country for maybe up to 2 weeks." Claire said.

"Okay, well let me go call Lloyd and I'll see you later okay?" I said.

"Yeah." She said and we hung up. I then instantly called Lloyd.

"Hey cupcake, you want to apologize for your swimmers comment this morning?" Lloyd said and I groaned.

"No, I need a favor." I said and he chuckled.

"I like that you want favors." Lloyd said.

"It's for Claire." I said.

"What's Claire need?" Lloyd asked and I knew she was his soft spot.

"My mom had to go check on my aunt and my dad is out of the country for some reason. Maybe a funeral and she needs to stay with us. Problem is I'm at the doctors office getting a second opinion on why I'm not pregnant yet and I was wondering if you could send someone to pick her up at my parents house." I said.

"Yeah, I'll get my assistant to go get her and take her to our place. You going to be home soon?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah, an hour tops." I said.

"Okay sounds good. Hey Jo..." Lloyd said.

"Yeah?" I asked internally panicking.

"I love you and I'm going on my lunch break to get tested." Lloyd said and I gave a small smile.

"I love you too Lloyd and you don't need to. It will happen when it happens." I said and he sighed.

"I'll see you tonight and I'll bring home dinner for you, me and Claire." Lloyd said.

"See you tonight." I said and we hung up. I stood up from the dock. "I need to get home. Find my father and find out what the fuck he is doing!" I said as I walked up the dock and back to my car.

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