Run rabbit run :Part 1

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He ran like he never ran before he used all the knowledge he had of the back streets in his city that he's had the not so pleasant time running in to avoid his bully's but now he's using them to escape the authorities after he just saved his old childhood friend from a villain made of sludge. And now said childhood friend is in pursuit of him with the police and hero's. After he just ran in and attempted to save him from the sludge the police and hero's we're going to arrest him for interrupting a crime scene or something like that. So instead of getting put in cuffs he refused arrest and ran but Bakugo ran after him in an attempt of civilian arrest but Izuku had no intention on letting that happen.

"Why did I run?" Izuku asked himself as he kept running through a back alley before turning left and heading down a sidewalk right next to a road that at the end police lights were shining and hero's were running after him."Shit!" Izuku said as he ran to the end of the street before running back into an alley were it would lead to the beach if he didn't have to run from the oceans that is. How did this day get so bad.

The day started off just right he had breakfast with his mom he got ready for school walked to school then saw the debut of the newest hero mount lady and got to see her and kamui woods take down a villain before head back to school.

"Oh that's we're it all went bad."

"Hey nerd, you got the money that you owe me for letting you live!" Bakugo shouted at me as he and his posse walked up next to me. I mumbled something.

"What's that nerd you say something!" Bakugo said as he kicked me in the stomach dropping me to the ground I could feel the wind gush past my lips at his kicks force, he then but his foot on my back and held me down with it.

"I said that I-" I stopped speaking when Bakugo kicked me again in the side forcing more air out of my lungs.

"What I can't here you speak up a little nerd!" He said angrily. 

"I don't have it." I said in fear of what will happen now that I told Bakugo that I don't have enough money to pay him.

Bakugo smirked." You know what that means you have no more life protection which means that we're going to take it." Bakugo lifted his foot but the bell rang singling that they would be late soon." Fuck let's go." He said before turning back and telling me on last piece of advice" You should find a roof and jump off it it will do the world a big favor and it'll save you from what we'll do if you don't cough up that money you piece of shit." With that he left and entered into school. 

Later on in school in class the teacher was going to pass out forms for jobs but instead he threw them up in the air and said that he knew all of them would just try for the hero course any way so everyone got the bright idea to use there quirks which they promptly stopped using once told.

Bakugo stood up on his desk and declared."don't lump me in with theses losers teach I'm the only on able to make it in this school the rest are at least d lister sidekicks." This earned him some out rage by from the class and then the thing that would probably put the nail in Midoriya's coffin.

"Ah yes you were looking at going to UA right along with Midoriya." The teacher said fully aware of what he just did. The class laughed and mocked him but he wAs to focused on the glare Bakugo was sending him.

"Oh shit!" Midoriya shouted as he tripped and landed on a bottle breaking it with his leg whilst also cutting his leg open.

"Deku!" Bakugo shouted just around the corner.

"Shit!" Midoriya said  he picked himself up and shambled his way in to the nearest shelter he could find which was a wear house that was nearer the beach." Must of made a wrong turn some where." Midoriya said as he hobbled his way into the wear house. He searched around for places to hid only to panic when the door opened with a slam and a shout from his bully.

Izuku searched for places to hide in a panic only for his sense of panic to leave him when he saw a suit that looked like a yellow bunny with two black buttons and a purple bow tie. It had green eyes that look dull but it also seemed to hold some kinda of intelligence in it, next to it was a crank and instructions Izuku glanced over them before getting the picture. He stuck the crank I one of the spring locks before cranking to the right he repeated this process as quickly and as silently as possible and soon he had the suit on and all wound up he just could see out of the eye's and could feel the tips of his fingers and toes. That's when his plan to sit down and play dead died, Bakugo came around the corner of containers and looked at Izuku through the fading sun light.

"So you thought playing dresses up would help so not only our you a quirkless loser your also a furry he." Bakugo laughed as Izuku slowly moved back wards only for his back to meet wall Izuku began to hyperventilate breathing moisture on to the already fragile locks keeping the springs in place. Bakugo laughed at seen this." If your going to dress up like a animal I gusse I'll put you down like one." And with that Bakugo sent an explosion at Izuku knocking the locks out of place and the springs right in to Midoriya's flesh.

A violent snap resonated through out the ware house as the springs sprung crunching bone with servos and circuits the endoskeleton that they used to hold in place came rushing down with enough force to pop blood vessels shooting blood every itfracture bone it crushed Izuku body in a matter of second's all the while screaming and pleading for help that never came. Bakugo looked on in horror but also pure satisfaction as what ever this thing is was killing Midoriya in a way that was far worst then any thing he could have done leavening the ware house he could here as the pleas for help died down eventually going silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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