Kiss Of An Angel ~[Chapter One]~

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Kiss of an Angel


1500 AD

    The warrior’s wings spread wide, muscles building from his back to the pure snow white wings. His perfectly toned and tan body stretched towards the ocean. The breeze was moist with the ocean’s water, his eyes reflected the same deep ocean blue color. His tousled blonde hair giving him a serious mature look for his eighteen years.

    Iris looked down on the beach’s sand. A girl’s body lay pale, cold, and sickly. Victoria lay dead. He bent at her side angry at himself for not being able to save her. He touched her cold lifeless body. Still beautiful but, drained of her essence. The only person who didn’t mind his difference, his wings. He couldn’t cry…

    “I’ll find you again Victoria.” Iris whispered to her, rubbing her soft olive skin.

    He gently pushed her in the ocean’s wave. The warm crisp dark blue carried her body off the shore. It carried her off towards the horizon. A peaceful funeral.

    “I promise I will find you in your next life.” He swore.

    Her body disappeared underneath the waves. The sun as if in respect of her death began setting. No light would shine in his life now that his heart was dead.

    Goodbye until I meet you again Victoria.

Chapter One :

    Vivian felt eyes on her. It heated up her skin with suspension and paranoia. She put the hood of her sweater over her fiery red hair. It was cold outside, and dark, so it added onto the mysteriousness. She walked down the familiar sidewalk, hugging herself for warmth.

    Maybe I should have brought an extra jacket. She thought to herself. It was mid fall but it was always cold out. She smiled through her red cheeks and opened a glass door to the vacant café she always went to. The old man whom worked their was like a grandpa to her. She said her hellos to everyone and took a seat in the middle booth. A waitress stopped by and she ordered her usual chicken burger that made her lips pucker at just the thought.

    She pulled up her bag  that went over her torso and pulled out a book; Pride and Prejudice. She opened it to her last spot and began engulfing herself into the story.

    Elizabeth shook her head over this letter. She read. It convinced her that accident only could discover to Mr.Bingley her sister’s being in town.  Four weeks passed away, and Jane saw nothing of him. She endeavored to persuade herself that she did not regret it; but she could no longer be blind to Miss Bingley’s inattention. After waiting every morning for a fortnight, and inventing every evening a fresh excuse for her, the victor did at last appear; but the shortness of her stay, and yet more, the alteration of her manner would allow Jane to deceive herself no longer. The letter which she wrote on this occasion to her sister will prove what she felt.

    She closed her book and starred hungrily at the food that was set down in front of her with her choice of Coke. She slid her book back into her bag and picked up her knife and cut her burger in half. She immediately bit into it, letting a sigh of pleasure out. It tasted delicious.

    She muttered something in Russian as her dressing had dripped onto her pants.

    Her dinner was lonely as usual and told everyone goodbye as she left. She tucked her hair under her hood as she began her walk back home.

    I should really look into buying a car. She thought

    While waking home a cold wind began to pick up, her hair falling loose out her jacket’s hood whipped her in the face. She couldn’t see. She felt a hand move the strands out her eyes and she looked up and saw a tall male figure. He stood over her, his face intent.

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