Kiss Of An Angel ~[Chapter Two]~

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Chapter Two:

    Her day had been most awkward unlike others. At lunch he had watched her eat, the whole time. It made her feel uneasy. He seemed nice, but, still. There was something missing. Nobody was that nice in this town.

    Rowan didn’t show up for work today so she covered two hours of his shift before someone else came in. Everyone said she’s too good of a person to pick up his slack, but, she felt bad for him. She couldn’t quite help it. It was 2:00 p.m. by the time she got off, and when she got outside, her eyes went wide with bewilderment.

    It was snowing. Not just a light fluffy snow, but they were big bulky flakes, coming down in large packs.

    “I really wish I had the Volvo right now.” She cried mentally as she trudged through the snow packed sidewalk.

    She made it to her usual Starbucks to pick up a laté for her upcoming walk. The hot caramel taste blew up fireworks  on her taste buds. She smiled happily, as she walked outside, blowing softly through the mouth piece. She kept her hat around all the pieces of her hair, with the exception of her bangs. Why is it even snowing in October?! She mentally cursed with irritation.

    She loved the snow. It made everything look like a winter wonderland. But she absolutely hated walking in it. Her toes felt numb and her legs were cold. She regretted not wearing regular jeans today of all days. Then again, she wasn’t expecting it to snow. She heard the crunching of the snow below her feat and felt the wetness leak into her shoes.

    By the time she made it home, her skin was cold as ice and she looked colorless. She hung her jacket up along with her hat. And slipped off her shoes with her soaking wet socks.  Prince came running from down the hall and curled around her feet like he always did. She leaned down and picked him up, snuggling his warm fuzzy softness. He purred happily and nudged her head with his in a loving way.

    “Hungry?” she smiled, playing with his ears.

    Prince’s purring grew and his ears perked upward more. She took it as a yes. She pulled out his cat food and put some in his bowl. He ate rapidly. She left him alone to eat and flopped herself down on the sofa, tired. She closed her eyes, running a hand through her most likely messy hair, and yawned softy. The snow also gave her a tired feeling.

    When she opened her eyes, it felt like she had slept for hours on end. She did just that. It was midnight when she woke back up. She found Prince curled up on her side, asleep. She smiled, and placed a soft hand on him.

    Vivian blinked knowing she wouldn’t be going to bed for a while. She would probably be up the rest of the entire night. She really had to stop waking up randomly like this. She gently slid off the couch, leaving Prince to his slumbers and made a snack in the kitchen. Well, made wasn’t the correct term. All she did was get a box of Wheat Thins sticks.

    She munched on them happily and walked around her house. There really wasn’t anything to do. And tomorrow was her first day off, thankfully. She paced around thinking of something that could consume her time. That’s when she looked at her hand. The faded number that was written on her hand, that she could easily make out.

    The one that stranger form earlier had written down. She starred at it then pulled out a note pad and scribbled it down so she wouldn’t forget. Just in case.

    Maybe Damon would want to do something? Damon was a big flirt when it came to her, but, he was fun to hang around with. She knew he was up all hours of the night, work night or not.

    She grabbed her house phone and punched the familiar number she remembered by heart. Someone picked up at the other end and she smile.

    She opened the door and greeted Damon with a big hug. He looked stunning in all black like usual. He smiled, looking her over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2011 ⏰

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