———*/intro playing






"Hey!" I snapped on my thoughts when I heard saiko said

———saiko is y/n's troublemaker buddy,they met in elementary school

"Sup saiko?" I asked "nothing your mom called she said she wanted to talk to you,didn't you heard?" I went up and walked to my house "I'm going home now ok?" Saiko said and I nodded "yeah sure"

I started running till I reach my house

M/n was there sitting in the couch reading a book

"Hey mom" I closed the door and put away my shoes "take a seat" I did what she said "listen,I don't want you to get mad at me but you are leaving this place,now before you judge my decision and ask why,here's why"

I tilt my head on the vase while listening,it's not like I care ill leave this stupid house but I do realize I will act like I care about this place

"You've been causing alot of trouble in school  lately young lady/man,the principal kicked you out of the school cause your not taking your Scholarship seriously like you used to back then so I want you to promise you'll behave on your new school in Tokyo ok?" I kept on zoning out until I process what's going on

Wait "what do you mean by "you"? Isn't that supposed to be "we"?? Your not leaving me there alone are you?" I looked at mom she was looking down

"I'm sorry sweetheart,but I can't leave my business here you have to manage on your own but promise me first that you'll take your Scholar seriously if not ill have to hire a tutor for you"

I sighed and nodded "promise"


I packed my things,mom said tomorrow is my flight so I have to get ready

After that I ate dinner and went back to my room as usual

I grabbed my phone and dialed saiko's number

It rang

"Hello? Y/n what's up?"

"I'm moving tomorrow"

"What why!?"

"School sucks here so I got banned"

"Dayum really?"

"Oh and I'm leaving alone there"


"Yep not suprise tho,I'm leaving tomorrow,I'll see you after college"

"Why after college? :("

"Oh almost forgot,mom also said that I'm not leaving there until after college"

"How are you ok with that?"

"I don't really care it's not like I'll die or sum"

"What if you will??"

"Your worrying to much saiko ill be fine jeez"

"Stay safe there ok? And NEVER blocked my number or delete it,it's only our way to get in touch"

"Copy that ma'am"

I hung up

I thew my phone on my bed and I lied down,I stared at the ceiling it was very pretty in my imagination,I imagine flying butterflies was on it

I was almost falling asleep that time when mom called me

I storm off my room and went to my mom

"I need you to think to think of a new tittle for my new story,it's about a girl who ran away from home and I'm dedicating it to you"

————— y/n's mom is a famous author from Kyoto, she do stories about love,horror,lost and pretty much more

"How about..... Away From Home?" I said "oh that would be perfect,thank you y/n your a life saver"

Do I really have to deal with her story title's every day? Yes,why? Ask my mom

I flopped on my bed and started snoring

I don't know if I should be excited tomorrow or not I'm kinda worried to be honest

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