Chapter 4

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It's been a few days since that incident between me and Doug and I will not sugar coat it, it actually did hurt me, like why? what have I ever done to you to be cheated in such a way? all I wanted was to feel comfortable and seeing someone I know I felt as though I would have a friend or even maybe a guider who can help me but nope, so for last few days I been in the boxing  gym lately just like right now

I am at the gym punch the bag as hard as I keep trying to get all that anger out of me

as I am I punching, Malik walks in

*Great as if I haven't been through enough already, now here comes this dude*

Malik: Look who's here early again

I roll my eyes and keep hitting the bag

Malik: Yo is you good

"I'm fine"

Malik: you sure cause you hitting kinda hard

"Ok and?"

Malik: I think you stop and chill for a min


Malik: You really not to, like maybe talk about what's on your mind atleast, because you can't keep doing this. It's not healthy for you for sure

"You don't what's good or what's bad for me so just stop"

Malik: you never know, I may know more than what you're giving me credit for 

"Can you just back off right now please"

Malik: Not until you sit down and speak, please Ashanti atleast give it a chance?"

I stop and look at him

"Ok fine" I follow him to the bench and sit with him and drink my water

Malik: So, what's been up wit you lately


Malik: Really? c'mon now!

"Ok, drama"

Malik: What kind of drama, boyfriend drama, best friend drama, family drama, what?

"College drama"

Malik: Alright shoot

"Basically, some nights ago a guy that I know from back home happens to go to the same school as me and I never knew he was here until one night I met him, and his crew and you can say, yeah I was over the top excited to see him but who wouldn't if they saw someone they knew and started to feel more comfortable Ya know even if you had a tiny crush on him growing up and still had a small bit of crush on him to this day doesn't mean I'm here for you. Then some nights ago I decided to hang out with him, and his friends and I guess I got too comfortable, and he got pissed off and he decided to basically go off on me and he said somethings that made me a bit upset and kinda hurt my feelings a bit but ya know it's whatever right oh and not to mention he did this in front of everyone which is also pretty embarrassing"

Malik: Well damn


Malik: I understand where you're coming from and in my honest opinion don't even keep trying, he did what he did and honestly, you deserve better than that, if he couldn't take you as a friend then forget him besides all this stress and anger you have, isn't good for your body or you in general, so what I suggest you try to go out there think positive and don't even hang around them anymore, because the last thing you need is for you to be so stressed out and upset and boom something can happen 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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