Never Give Up!

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Daniella POV:

I got to school and was walking down the hallway to my locker, when I saw a huge circle of students. I saw Tae and Yoongi, so I went and asked them what was going on and why there was such a big crowd.

Daniella got to school and the first thing she saw was a huge group of people. When she got closer, she saw Tae and Yoongi.

Daniella: What is happening?

Yoongi: Your boyfriend is in a fight.

Daniella: Who?

Tae: Jungkook dumbo!!!

Daniella: He is not my boyfriend! Also that is the third time this week that he got into! What did someone do this time?!

Tae & Yoongi: I don't know! Go ask him!


Third Person POV: 

Daniella squeezes through the crowd and sees Jungkook pinning a  fellow jock of the school, against a wall.  They both had blood dripping from their faces and bruises from all the punches. Jungkook's eyebrow was split and so was his lip, he also had a purple bruise on his muscular jawline. She gasped as she saw the face of the other person....... Jimin!!!!

Daniella: Stop!!!!!!

Both boys stop fighting and turn to look at her in shock as she was always so quiet.

Daniella: Let go of Jimin! NOW!

Jungkook let go 


I will update soon<3 Saranghae!

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