Chapter 5

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Eddie was looking at Steve in the eyes, feeling his stomach drop. "You... you want... to know what happened?" His voice was shaky.

Steve nodded, sitting on the floor to give Eddie some space.

Eddie bit his lip, considering Steve's offer carefully. He sighed, nodding, "I'll tell you... but only if you keep your mouth shut and don't tell 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 what I told you here today? Got it, Harrington?" He was glaring at Steve, noticing that he squirmed around uncomfortably. He decided to put on his mean side even though both boys decided to pretend to be friends. Guess he felt intimidated.

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone." Steve wasn't looking at Eddie at all... he sounded sad.

Eddie started to feel bad for being mean to Steve. "Well... I decided to climb Skull Rock. I sprained my ankle as I fell down. I crawled under the rock, trying to wait out the pain. I heard a twig snap and thought it was a demobat or whatever... became panicked and started thinking about being in the upside down. " He folded his hands together, looking at Steve. "Does that answer your queries, Harrington?"

Steve nodded, getting up, "I'll..." a pause "I'll get you some water." He hurried to the kitchen, Eddie's eyes following him.

"Fuck..." Eddie cursed under his breath, burying his face in his hands out of shame.

He hated that he was being mean to Steve. He was just scared that Steve was going to judge him.

But to be honest, Steve would be the last person to actually judge him. Steve had been through the same ordeal as Eddie, so why was he so intimidated and scared?


Steve's hands were slightly shaky as he got some water in a glass he got from the cupboard.

Why did he feel sad about Eddie being mean to him? Was he actually hoping that they would become friends?

He scoffed at that idiotic thought. After all, Eddie and he had only agreed to pretend to be friends. He brought the glass to Eddie, handing it to him. 

"I'll be going to my room. Yell if you need me. " Steve's voice was cold and slightly mean-sounding.

Eddie took the glass, nodding as he looked at his lap.

Steve walked to his room, slamming the door shut. He fell onto his bed, letting out a frustrated and angry scream into his pillow. 

Fuck Eddie. Fuck him. He's an asshole anyway. Why should Steve care? 

Why does he care?

He looked at his bedroom door, tears welling up in his eyes, just when he thought he was going to have some company in his empty house.

He pulled a pillow close, pushing his face into it, screaming again. He was fucking angry and frustrated.

He was startled when his phone rang, quickly picking it up and answering it with a hoarse voice, "Harrington residence... how may I help?" He answered the way he was taught as a kid.

His frustrations were washed away when he heard Robin chuckle at the other end of the line, "Steve... seriously. You have got to knock off that greeting... and your voice. Are you sick, dude? Need me to ask Nance to bring you some soup?" Steve smiled slightly at Robin being so worried about him.

At least he had someone who actually cared about him.

"Um yeah... I'm not sick. just... " He paused for a second, hesitant to tell Robin about what happened.

"Just?" Robin asked, sounding pretty serious. Steve was sure she was leaning against the counter with her arms crossed while she was on the phone.

"It's just... Eddie... he, uh, he was mean to me." It felt weird for Steve to say, "I mean... I thought... I thought he actually liked me! But... he... why does it bother me so much, Rob?" He asked, sounding a bit desperate for an answer.

Robin let out a hum as she was thinking "You and him did seem to bond a bit in the upside down... it was always weird how you both never became friends after that." She paused for a second, thinking more "Maybe... he's stressed? He was a bit mean to me a few times in the past, but that was always because of his PTSD attacks. Could you put him on the phone for me, Steve? Maybe I could talk to him. "

Steve nodded, "Sure... I'll go and get him..."


Eddie was a bit confused as to why Robin wanted to talk to him out of nowhere, but he still answered the phone as per Steve's request.

He could already feel Robin's disappointment as she sighed on the other side of the phone.

Shit. Did Steve tell her about how mean he had been to him? 

"Eddie, listen to me carefully. Steve is a bit hurt from how mean you were to him. Could you tell me what happened?" Robin asked, sounding more worried than disappointed.

Eddie let out a sigh, "Well... I invited Steve to smoke with me, right? At Skull Rock? wanted to get closer to him. So while I waited for him to get to Skull Rock, I climbed it... y'know, like I always do. " He sighed again "Then I fell, spraining my ankle. I crawled under the rock to see what the damage was... then I heard a twig snap, not knowing that it was Steve. " He paused for a second.

"Then I had a PTSD attack. I thought he was a demobat or something. Eddie's voice was shaky again, and he actually felt guilty.

Robin was silent for a moment before speaking, "I'm coming over. I need to sort you two out. Tell Steve." She hung up the phone, leaving Eddie speechless for a second.

He smiled slightly, knowing she wasn't that mad. He placed the phone down, calling Steve over, "Robin's coming!" 

"FUCK" is all Eddie heard before a very bewildered Steve came down the stairs. His eyes were red and glossy, almost like he was crying.

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