Then Comes Magic

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The moon was brighter than usual and it radiated an energy I could recognize. The Eclipse was almost complete and my spell would be at full strength. My fiery red hair draped over the eyes as I went around lighting the candles.

    "you got this Amelia, just one more night" I smiled at the thought of finally ridding the world of shadows creatures.

   Shadow creatures came from the depths of hell made of darkness. The sun weakness them so they only would attack at night. My friend Tom accidentally cast a spell and released them into our world.

   Tom is an overweight blonde haired boy who didn't believe in magic till he tried a spell from a book a had carelessly laid around.

   As much as I adore Tom I haven't spoken to him since that night. I hope once these creatures return to the shadow realm in hell we can patch things up.

  Taking a deep breath I made my way to the center of the candle sitting down on my knees. Please make things right. Please do the spell right. I wasn't great at magic most of the times I mess it up somehow.

  I gasped upon seeing a group of shadow creatures crawling through my windows heading towards me. I held my palm towards them shooting a yellow light only grazing one.

    My familiar, a black cat named Rolo dashed across the room providing the creatures a momentary distraction so I can start the spell.

    Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. "Oh Demon lord of the darkest pit of hell please answer my call" I started my voice slightly shaking. My hair whipped back violently and the candles burned so much brighter.

    "Take back the creatures from which they came. The creatures of chaos and destruction". Glancing around not sure what to expect.

   The Shadow creatures began emitting a yellow light as they stopped moving. The light overtook them as they vanished into thin air.

  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you my lord" ending the spell I jumped up squealing like a little girl on Christmas morning.

A bright light shined through my window as the sun moved out from behind the moon. Signaling the end of the eclipse.

  I know to keep practicing my spells and not to leave the books laying about. Whatever comes my way next I would have the strength to deal with it.

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