Chapter 2

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I had to tell my friends the news.

"Okay, Salvador, your job, lock all the doors. We will go to the bedrooms and lock all the windows. You guys." I point to all of the Cube, " You guys are hiding in my bedroom. Our task is to stay alive."

They all nod.

We begin to lock the windows and prepare emergency aid kit.

I run downstairs to the kitchen, only to catch Salvador prepping a hot dog.

"Salvador, what the hell are you doing?" I ask. 6:55.

"I will be okay. Faz o relax." Okay, Salvador. " I have to go get some things for tonight. LOCK THE DOORS." He nods.

I run to the store. 7:05. I see a car following me. I run as fast and I could and  I jumped though Alexandra's window. "HURRY!" She exclaims.

I run. I lock my bedroom door. All we have to is survive.

(Faz o relax means just relax in Portuguese. I know it is not accurate but it's slang and a joke carried on throughout my school.)

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