Chapter 4

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(previously on Carrie x Flynn: I ended the call and laid on my bed smiling. I wanted to get some sleep so I shut my blinds and tried to close my eyes for a minute. My thoughts immediately went to earlier at school. Carrie, I thought, then I realized that I truly loved everything about Carrie Wilson. Her hair, her voice, and her dance moves were perfect. I shot up in my bed, my eyes wide. "Oh my god, I'm in love with Carrie Wilson.")

(Flynn POV) The next morning I was dreading school. Or more specifically seeing Carrie. Unfortunately, I had already used my fake being sick so I don't have to go to school. I got dressed while contemplating whether I should tell Julie about my crush or not. She is my best friend, and best friends tell each other everything. Though something about this made me hesitate. I knew that Carrie had bullied Julie during Freshman year and that before that Carrie and Julie were BFFs. I also knew that having a crush on my BFF's ex-friend/bully was definitely weird. But, being the awesome friend I am, I decided to tell Julie or rather text her.

Texting Thread

Flynn: Jules I need my bestie

Julie: bestie service, how can I help you?

Flynn: LOL 😂

Julie: what's up?

Flynn: ok... um so I have smth to tell u

Julie: k spill

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what to type.

Flynn: . . .


Julie: Flynn?

Julie: you there?

Flynn: yeah im here

Julie: k so what did u wanna say?

I sighed 'here goes'

Flynn: i-i I have a crush on Carrie and I didn't want u to find out cause ur my bestie and I know she was mean to you last year, plus you 2 were friends a while ago so I thought it might be weird and I'm so sorry if this makes you uncomfortable I don't have to like her if you don't want me too.

I shut off my phone, unable to read her response. Instead, I made my way downstairs. I found my older sibling Lake sitting on the counter reading something on their phone. "Where's Dad?" I asked, causing them to look up from the screen. "I dunno, I think he went out," Lake answered looking back at the phone. Rolling my eyes, I sat down grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. Right as I was about to take a bite, the door to our house flew open, and my dad burst through looking panicked. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked since Lake was too focused on their phone. "Hi honey, yes I'm fine, just busy," he replied, giving me a quick head kiss. "Alright, but I'm here if you need me!" I said. My dad smiled and then heard a ping coming from his cell phone. "Oh! I forgot to mention, Tom is gonna spend the evening with you guys, since I'll be busy at the school meeting." Lake and I smiled at the mention of Tom who was our father's most recent boyfriend "Flynn, I think Julie's dad is on his way to pick you up." My dad told me. I gave him a thumbs up and headed outside. Mr. Molina pulled into our driveway, and I could see Julie waiting for me. 

OMG, I FINALLY UPDATED THIS!!! I'm so sorry it took me this long, I had MAJOR writer's block, but I'm back and ready to post more! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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