Chapter 5

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**Guys this chapter could be triggering to some people and has some mature content so please be aware while reading! Thanks and enjoy**

I woke up to see Tristan's arms securely wrapped around me. It was 8:30 and I had work at 10:30. I carefully got out of Tristan's arms and went to take a quick shower and got dressed slipping on a pair of dark wash jeans and a long sleeve Vancouver Canucks shirt. Like I said I was best friends with Eddie I kind of grew up liking the Canucks had to represent the boys back home every once in a while. I slowly walked downstairs to see Tristan still asleep his body halfway hanging off the couch. I quietly giggled before walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided on a ham and cheese omelet because who doesn't like ham and cheese especially in omelet form!?

"Good morning," I heard a tired voice say as Tristan walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water.

"Morning sleepy head," I said giving him a small smile before handing him a plate with an omelet and some fresh fruit as well. I didn't mind eating healthy because I wanted to stay in good shape and obviously Tristan has to eat healthy because he needs to stay fit.

"Thanks," Tristan mumbled sitting at the table starting to eat. The boy was obviously not a morning person, but I couldn't blame him neither was I. I was only fine at the moment because I had been awake for a half hour and I got to shower.

"No problem," I said as I placed a peace of omelet in my mouth. I as bored the delicious flavor of the omelet from the gooey cheese to the smokey ham flavor. I bet Bobby Flay couldn't even beat my awesome omelet skills.

Tristan finished eating and put his plate in the sink and downing his water before also placing that in the sink. I soon followed after him and glanced at the clock to see it was about 10:00 I had to pick up my client at 10:30 so I decided I needed to leave pretty soon.

"Alright well I've got to head out we have an afternoon practice today so I'll see you later. Are you coming to the game tomorrow?" Tristan asked slipping on his coat.

"Oh... uh I don't know. Probably not I didn't buy a ticket or anything," I said shrugging as I walked to the door with Tristan.

"I can get you a ticket if you want to come," Tristan said shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I couldn't let you do that," I said shaking my head. I wanted to go to the game don't get me wrong. There's nothing like going to a Penguins game at the Consol energy Center. The fans their are some of the most passionate and loyal fans you'll ever meet. They truly do love the boys. The problem I had with Tristan giving me a ticket is that I would feel the need to of course pay him back.

"To bad I'm doing it. I'll give you your ticket tomorrow afternoon okay?" Tristan said smiling.

Before I could even answer he was out the door. I sighed shaking my head, but smiling nonetheless. That boy truly was something else.

I grabbed a coat and my work stuff before heading out. I got in my car quickly blasting the heat. I sat their waiting for my car to warm up a little bit before I pulled out of my driveway and headed to get my client.

After I got off work at 5:00 I headed home. I sighed as I took off my shoes plopping down on the couch. I turned on the tv when my phone dinged with a new text.

From Tristan: hey a couple of the guys and their girlfriends are going to dinner. want to come?

Me: are you sure they wouldn't mind?

Tristan: yeah it's fine.

Me: alright sounds good.

Tristan: okay I'll pick you up in 20 minutes.

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