visiting a rose garden

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With the sun rising and the bird,s singing dream wakes up slowly sitting up in his bed he yawns and gets up, he gets dressed and says good morning to his cat patches, dream makes a pot of coffee and sits waiting for it to finish

*1-2 minutes later*

The coffee finished and dream pours a cup,he drinks its fast and runs out to his car and starts driving out of the city, about 30 minutes into his diving a song called Mr, rose plays on the radio in his car not knowing that this is a hint to someone he will meet soon.

*after 2 hours of diving*

Dream had stopped at a farm far out if the city he was in to visit his parents and little sister he got out of the car and his family came running to hug him and they all ended in a big family hug, his mom gave him a kiss on the cheek
"we missed you so much clay!" Dreams sister said with a smile his mom brought him inside and asked how long he was staying for to visit," idk maybe for a few weeks maybe a month" dream had said, "great the longer you stay the better!" His dad said, dreams sister brought him to his old room and said"this is where you will sleep!" She said, "great" dream said with a smile,

*about 20 minutes later*

Dreams mom knocks on his door and walks in,"Hey honey there's a boy living in the old rose,s family house and I think you too might be good friends,you should go say hi"
Dream looked at her and said "sure I will go say hi in a minute!" He smiled as his mom left his room and went down stairs

*A few moments later*

Dream gets up and gos downstairs and leaves the house, he walks up the hill the house sits on  surrounded by roses and knocks on the door waiting an answer, a boy around his age answer,s the door and says hello with a smile, dreams face lit up, "h-hi-" dream said,
"I'm George" the cute boy said and he held out his hand, dream shuck his hand and said "I'm clay but call me dream" well George smiles
"Would you like to come in?" George says "no thank you" dream said, "it's nice to meet you tho im only out here visiting family and was told to come say hi" Dream spoke once more. "Oh, oh okay" George said have a nice day and went back inside, dream went back to the Farm house blushing.

Mr, Rose a dreamNotFound story inspired by the song Mr, roseWhere stories live. Discover now