part vii

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"i have a formal request to make."

"anything, eren. we're friends."

"i... i would like to submit my resignation to the scouting regiment of paradis."

historia was taken aback, giving glances to both her assistants before looking back to eren.

"what brought this on? if you don't mind me asking."

eren sucked through his teeth, wondering if it would be right to tell her about y/n. the blonde woman was a sucker for a good love story, so he hoped that that might sway her in the right direction.

"i met someone, historia. i really do love her, and i want to have a life with her."

"you need to quit in order to have that?"

"we're leaving. we want to live outside the walls where none of this military business can reach us."

"how soon?"


a frown came to historia's face as she stood and slowly trekked closer to eren. soon enough they were only standing a foot away from each other, with historia giving him an angry look and eren clenching his jaw.

"are you sure about this?"

"i'm sure."

"if i let you do this, there will be conditions."

"anything. i'll do anything."

"first, we write to each other. i'll send a messenger every month, because as your friend, i would like to keep in touch."

historia's frown was replaced with her signature smile. eren nodded, already relaxing.

"second, you have to come back and visit. there are a lot of people around here that will miss you, so don't deprive us of your presence forever."

eren nodded again, this time calmed by his hand being captured by both of historia's.

"third, you have to let us give you a proper goodbye."

historia laughed shortly, and eren instantly wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, which she returned easily.

"thank you."

"don't say i never did anything nice for you, hm?"


historia was welcomed by her second appointment, who happened to be captain levi ackerman.

her heart skipped a few beats.

"don't tell me you're quitting, too."

"i thought about it, but i know the truth."

"what truth is that?"

"i'm meant to be a scout. i always was."

"you seem confident."

"there's shit else for me to do, i guess."

they similarly shrugged to each other as they both thought about levi trying to do anything else. levi could do a lot of things, yes, but none suited him like captain.

"well, if you're not retiring, what are you doing?"

levi sighed.

"i'm helping a friend."

historia's eyebrow lifted. levi never openly referred to anybody as a friend, so her eyes followed his to the door as she saw a young woman walk in, similarly dressed in scout apparel.

historia hummed and crossed her legs curiously.

"you're y/n, right?"

"yes, ma'am."

; eren jaeger*Where stories live. Discover now