1 // [the table of gold]

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"The clouds are full of hopes and dreams,"
Let me fly you through them."


Only ten years ago had been the great war taken place in the lands of Monstadt, and already was their new God of Anemo traveling to vaster lands. The construction of a grand cathedral made to worship their god, Barbetos, had been completed, along with a statue of him keeping safety and protection over the lands. They were placed on an island in the center of Cider Lake, Thus was all Barbetos had helped with before he ventured away to help with the matters in Liyue. Although the people of Monstadt fended fine enough on their own, building many grand houses and shops atop the island, it was still improper for a God to leave its people only mere years after ruling, no matter if there were a war in other regions or not. Thus was why many Gods frowned apon Barbetos, not that he had any mind.

This was the exact reason why Morax faltered to see Barbetos enter his grand hall. One would not expect such a fresh ruler, none the less God, to leave the place among his people so soon, even if Barbetos had alerted Morax of his visit ahead of time.

The Gods and Adepti all watched in judgment as Barbetos made his way across the hall, stopping only when he stood directly in front of Morax and Guizhong. The room sucked in it's breath as Morax walked forward, the sound his clothed feet echoing around the room. The tension rose as his intimidating figure drew closer to Barbetos.

"You've arrived barley in time for the meeting, Lord Barbetos, master of wind and freedom" the numb voice surprisingly came from Cloud Retainer, who sat upon her place in the crowd. Her eyes piercing sharply through the Gods skin as she bluntly called him late.

Barbetos merely shook his head, glancing over at the graceful crane. The wings on Barbetos' back folding delicately into layers of feather, signaling his stay. "I have arrived only when the grand Morax had planned. Calling me late is disrespecting your God, grand Adepti." His eyes diverted now to Morax, watching as the God raised his hand to silence the mumbling crowd.

The hall filled with silence again, and Morax spoke, "it is an honor to have you here Lord Barbetos. We welcome you to our chambers, as well as every other God here." A smile slowly creeped onto Barbetos' lips as a whisper came across the crowd, and they all bowed there heads in synch. He was indeed an infamous God, but was still the only one here to have gained a heavenly seat among the seven. These Gods of the mortal lands had to respect him.

Guizhong bowed her head politely and reached her arm to the left. "Please, enter the meeting chamber."

Barbetos followed her lead, entering a heavily incensed room to the left side of the grand hall. Morax followed suit, as did a portion of the crowd. The only ones welcome in this chamber were the heavily respected Gods, Adepti and Yaksha, who Barbetos knew very close to nothing of. He had heard stories of them bravely fighting off hundreds of demons at once, but had never had the opportunity to be humbled in there presence.

The many people in the room stood widely around a large table of gold. In the center was a clay pot, filled with a single Glaze Lilly. Along the walls of the dim room were murals of Gods and Demons alike, fighting billions of years ago, long before Celestia sent down spirits to take the forms of mortals. Upon the door they entered in, was a writings of the four heavenly commandments in this kingdom.

"Teach with wisdom, be bound by virtue, fortify the bones, unite in ambition"

Lord Barbetos' eyes made there way to Guizhong, for these were her written words. She sensed his contact, and smiled, warming the air in the tense room. She was indeed beautiful, with a pale complexion and long dark strands of hair falling over her back, wrapped only in a single ji pin. No wonder rumors had been spread of her and the God of Contracts having a more then intimate relationship.

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