Part 2: Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary

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Tails is seen flying around and spots Sonic.Tails: [Waves] Sonic!Sonic: Tails!Tails lands near Sonic.Tails: This Chemical Plant feels familiar. I'd never forget a smell like this! And that pink water makes me really nervous for some reason.Sonic: You're right, Tails. This place is giving me déjà vu all over again!

[Scene: White Space, Chemical Plant Stage Entrance.]

Statues of Amy and Pinkie Pie can be seen. Although the Chemical Plant stages are done, only half of the entrance is restored. Raymond quickly realizes that it is his new form that might be the cause. Just then, the Pinkie statue is restored. After a quick look around, Pinkie then looks at her savior, instantly recognizing them.

Pinkie: What happened in that dark place was super, duper scary. Thank you for saving me, uh, Sunlight Sapphire.

Confused at first, Raymond knows this name is perfect for this form, as such she just nods and smiles.

Pinkie: [gasps] I think I remember Applejack and this red guy being taken over that way. You both should check it out.

Sunlight is confused by 'you both' but just thinks Pinkie refering to both sides of the fusion, nods, and runs over to the next Stage Entrance, with a familiar blue blur chasing after.

[Scene: White Space, Sky Sanctuary Stage Entrance.]

After exiting Sky Sanctuary, Sunlight sees the same wave of color begin to creep over the entire entrance. Seconds later, the same wave begins to creep over both Applejack and Knuckles. Knuckles, upon his restoration, flexed his hands and then leapt up into an uppercut, striking a pose upon landing. Applejack, meanwhile, blinked and then gave a toothy smile, giving the air a few punches. Applejack was the first one to notice everybody and spoke. 

Applejack: Thank ya kindly, Ray. Ah was pretty worried during that whole ghostly experience, but Ah'm feelin' much better now that Ah'm back with y'all.

Knuckles: Same here, Ray. Thanks for the help. Not that I needed it. But it's good to have my sanctuary back!

Sunlight, seeming offended, crosses her arms. Nevertheless, she gives him a thumbs-up. Applejack then squints her eyes before widening them in shock.

Applejack: Okay, now Raymond, don't freak out, but Ah see someone over there. Someone all three of us know, and not in a good way.

Sunlight and Knuckles look at AJ, confused, before turning to where she pointed to. That when they saw it. Then, Sunlight takes off after it. But, not before saying one word in anger.

Sunlight: Metal!

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